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I was currently finishing up a video before lunch with the girls. I'm honestly super happy Devyn took me to that party.

It's been a couple days and I was honestly excited. Devyn added me to the groupchat she has with the girls so it's been popping off.

I put the finishing touches of the video and moved to YouTube so I could publish it.

I sit back while I wait for it to be published. I usually post the same schedules.

Mondays are when I post the occasional vlog and Wednesdays are my makeup videos.

The hardest part is trying to think of new content and publishing it.

Once it's out and I read the comments, I feel proud of myself. When it's up, I go make an announcement on Twitter and Instagram.

When the announcement is up I get up from my office chair and head to my closet.

I was going to lunch with Kat, Devyn, and Xepher. I asked Maya if she wanted to come but she couldn't cause of her classes.

After searching, I decided to put on fishnets with high wasted jean shorts over them.

I put on an old band shirt with a men's extra large mustard yellow button up.

It was honestly a really cute outfit. I straightened my hair and left my make up on from the video I just did.

I purposely did it like this so it could match my outfit. Once ready, I text the girls that I was about to head out of my townhouse.

I was going to get an apartment but I found a better deal with the townhouse. Plus, we get an extra room.

We had two bedrooms upstairs, Maya sleeping in one of them. The other one is a guest bedroom.

We have a pretty big space right before the upstairs rooms that I use to film my videos.

My room is downstairs and it has a connecting bathroom. It's honestly a really cute place.

I grab my phone, keys, and wallet and head out of the house. I lock the door and head to my car.

When I moved out here I had saved up to buy myself a car so I was appreciative of it.

It was a a twenty-eighteen Toyota Camry so it was pretty new. We were meeting at Buffalo Wild Wings so I was excited.

I do love Bdubs. I listen to music on my way there, mainly Five Seconds of Summer. I've always had a thing for Calum.

When I get there, I text in the group asking if they're there. Xepher and Devyn say that they have a table towards the back so I turn the car off.

I walk in and scan the restaurant for a moment. It didn't take me long to find Xepher's brightly colored hair.

I smiled a little bit towards myself as I walked over to the girls. "Hey, guys." I smile while I sit down next to Devyn.

They both smiled over towards me. "I'm so happy you could make it." Devyn smiled towards me.

Xepher nodded her head in agreement. "I'm just happy you're finally getting out in the world." Xepher teased me a little bit.

I just rolled my eyes while I looked through the menu. I ordered a sprite while Kat walked over to us.

We caught each other up on the last couple of days. "I heard you were doing a collab with Sam and Colby." Kat spoke up.

I nodded my head while sipping on my drink. "We talked about it a little yesterday, I'm super excited about it." I tell them.

"They were going to take me to an abandoned place that they've been to before while I do their makeup." I explain.

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