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I had a checkup on my foot today and luckily, it was healed up. I just need to go to physical therapy for a while so it could fully heal up.

It's been a couple weeks since Halloween and Thanksgiving was just around the corner.

Maya and I were going to fly to New Hampshire to see our parents and family for Thanksgiving.

As for our group of friends, we were thinking of doing a Friendsgiving. I told them I could make my moms baked mac and cheese.

She taught me how to make it when I was in high school. I'm just happy I was able to finally walk again.

Sam and Colby were gone exploring so the girls are coming over for a girls night.

We were going to make a big comfy spot of blankets and pillows on the living room floor so we could watch rom coms.

Devyn is bringing wine while I'm ordering a couple pizzas. So far, it's just gonna be me, Kat, Devyn, and Xepher.

Maya's out with Owen so she said she might come hang out later. The girls love Maya so I'm happy she can feel included too.

I was currently cleaning the townhouse, music playing on my tv so it can help. I was honestly excited for this.

I love hanging out and getting my girl time. I lit a candle while I started pulling out the air mattresses.

I have two queen sized air mattresses so I think the four, maybe five of us will have enough room.

I blew them up for us and put sheets on them. I put a blanket and two pillows on them.

As I was working on it, Devyn walked in with wine. "This is the cutest thing I've seen." Devyn compliments the setup I made.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked at it. "Thank you! I saw something similar on pintrest."

She sits her bag on the ground and the wine on the coffee table so she could lay down on it.

She flopped down on the bed, a smile growing on her face. "This is gonna be the best girls night." She smiled.

I asked her what movie she wanted to watch so I could have it ready for us.

"The Notebook for sure." She told me. I wanted to watch a movie that came out a couple months ago, To All the Boy's I've Loved Before.

Maya made me watch it with her one night and I honestly really liked it. I think the other girls would like it too.

Xepher was the next one to show up. Just like Devyn, she complimented the set up.

She said she wanted to watch She's the Man which is a classic. I loved that one when I was in middle school.

When Kat showed up she looked blown away at what I had made. She had chosen Legally Blonde, which is another good movie.

As I put on the Notebook, I ordered the pizza online. I did one pepperoni and one cheese.

Devyn went into the kitchen so she could make all of us wine. "I swear, this movie is good but it always makes me cry." Kat told us.

"Oh trust me, I cry at it too." Xepher tells us. Devyn walks in with four glasses of wine, us three thanking her.

I sipped on it while we waited for the pizza to get here. I honestly loved The Notebook.

It was one of the first rom com movies I've seen. When it got to the part where the two broke up, the pizza arrived.

We paused the movie so we could sort everything out. Once we were all settled and had our plates, we started the movie again.

Once we were done with the movie, we all had tears running down our faces. It was one of the best Nicholas Sparks movies and books.

I was texting Colby throughout the movies, him telling me he was a little nervous for this trip.

"Are you texting Colby over there?" Xepher spoke up. I looked over to see she had an eyebrow raised towards me.

"Yeah, I was just asking how his trip is going." I inform her. She gives me a look like she doesn't believe me.

"What?" I ask her while laughing a little bit. She just shook her head towards me while looking at the movie.

When we finished Legally Blonde, the second movie we watched, Maya walked in. We started cheering as she smiled.

"Let me put my pajamas on and I'll be in here." She told us. She jogged up the stairs while I looked up my movie.

She came back down a couple minutes later with her pajamas on. She sat on the couch, wrapping herself up in a blanket.

"How was the date?" Devyn asked smirking towards her. Maya turned red a little bit and shook her head.

I'm happy that Maya and Devyn get along with each other. I can tell they have a sibling bond between them.

It honestly makes my heart happy. "Shut up." She laughed a little bit. I put on To All the Boys I've loved before since Maya likes it too.

I was saving to watch it with her. Kat said she had seen it before but no one else has.

They really seemed to like and enjoy it. Movie night with the girls seemed to go really well.

Before we went to bed at two in the morning, we all agreed that we needed to do this again.

We all fell asleep together, cuddling each other on the air mattresses. We all woke up around noon and thought it would be fun to go to IHop.

Even Maya joined us so it made us extremely happy. We carpooled to IHop and got a table for all of us.

We all ordered and waited for the food to come. "I'm serious guys, I wanna do this either once a month or once a week." Kat spoke up.

"I agree, we should do it once a month." I tell her. I think it'll be really fun, I don't know why we haven't done this sooner.

Brunch with the girls was honestly really fun. I definitely think we need to do this a lot more.

When we got back from eating breakfast, they hung out a little bit longer and the three ended up leaving.

"I would love to hang out more but I have a shit ton of homework to do." She tells me. I tell her how it's okay, I wanted to hang out in my room.

I grabbed my guitar, laid on my bed, and started strumming. I honestly really enjoyed alone time.

I lost count for how long I was strumming for. Sometimes, I can feel myself get lost in the music.

"I'm always impressed by how well you play." I hear Colby's voice say from my door.

I sat up and looked to see he was standing against the door frame. I couldn't help but smile knowing he was back.

"When did you get back?" I ask while sitting my guitar down. "Twenty minutes ago. I instantly came over."

He strides over and joins me on the bed. "Tell me how it was! How did everything go?" I ask while sitting chris-crossed.

He started explaining everything to me that had happened the previous night.

When he talks about exploring with Sam, you can see the brightness that comes to his eyes.

You can see a little sparkle and I think it's honestly really cute. I could listen to him talk about it for hours.

Once he explained everything that happened to him, I explained what all happened on girls night.

As I spoke about my night, I realized mine wasn't as entertaining as his. I told him how since my foot is better, I wanna go exploring again.

He seemed really shocked by that. "You really wanna go?" He asked as I nodded my head.

"The first time we went, it was really fun. I wanna go again before it gets too cold." I tell him.

He agrees and thinks it'll be fun to have me there again. He told me he would text in the group chat to ask.

I couldn't wait to go exploring again with them.

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