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I ended up with a Bimalleolar Ankle Fracture which means I broke the bone on the outside of my ankle and the base of my shin bone on the inside of my ankle.

Luckily, it wasn't to the point where I needed surgery. Instead of a cast, they put a boot on me.

Instead of crutches, I got one of those scooters I can put my knee so I won't put my foot down.

It was a long process but I'm happy that I've had Colby and Maya to me get up and down the stairs if I need it.

It's been a couple weeks since I broke it and I'm to the point where I'm joking about it.

Sam and Corey joke about how Colby and I need babysitters and we're not allowed on the roof that drunk again.

I'm currently out with Maya, finding a Halloween costume. I groan knowing I can't find anything.

"I swear there's nothing that can go with a broken foot." I shake my head. Maya was going to be Velma.

She thought for a moment and gasped. "I have an idea." She explained that I should do a DYI costume.

She said I should put a basket on my scooter and borrow Jake's ET doll. I think it would be hilarious if I did that.

I wouldn't worry about a costume if the boys weren't having a party. It's the last Halloween party at the traphouse.

Sadly, they're moving out in early March so they wanna throw a bunch of parties while they can.

Colby hasn't started looking for anything yet so hopefully he finds something soon.

"This is the reason why you're the one who made it into college." I laughed a little bit.

She started laughing a little bit and rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up, Ren." She laughed.

She paid for her costume and climbed into her car. Luckily, I was able to drive since I broke my left foot, but Maya offered to drive.

Maya won't be coming to the trap house party since she's going to a frat party but she might stop by to say hey to everyone.

When we got to the townhouse, we made our separate ways. I went to my room so I could publish my video.

Colby was coming over to hang out so publishing the video will keep me entertained.

Right when it was published, I could hear someone come in. "Ren!" I hear Colby's voice echo through the townhouse.

I laugh a little bit while I get on my scooter and go into the living room. He was wearing all black, as usual.

"How did shopping with Maya go? Did you find anything?" He asked making conversation.

We both sat on the couch while I started explaining everything. I told him how they didn't have anything so I was gonna do the DYI Maya suggested.

Colby thought it was hilarious and said we could talk to Jake about borrowing the ET doll.

"What were you thinking about being?" I ask him curiously. He just shrugged, telling me that he doesn't know.

"I don't know, but I still have time to figure everything out." He shrugged. I'm not surprised. I can tell he's the type to put that stuff out.

Since we both didn't feel like going out, we both ordered a pizza and looked for a horror movie to watch.

He told me he'd never seen Hereditary so I put it on. I watched it whenever it came out knowing Maya and I love horror movies.

I grabbed a folded blanket from the end of the couch to keep warm. I put it over top of both of us, Colby scooting closer.

I don't know how, but hanging out with Colby seems so natural. I feel like I don't have to force anything or be someone else.

I don't have to change anything about myself. It just seems natural. As we watched the movie, it was pretty quiet between us.

When we got to the part with the sister and the car, he gasped and started laughing. "That's sick but I wasn't expecting that." He told me.

The doorbell rang which meant the pizza was here. I paused the movie so I could get up and pay but Colby said he had it.

He paid for the pizza for us and came back to the couch. I made sure to thank him while he opens the box up.

It was a stuffed crust pepperoni so it smelt and looked really good. I started the movie up again while we started eating.

It was really fun watching the movie with him. I could tell he was a little confused but ended up liking it.

Once the movie was done, we started stretching. We both checked our phones and scrolled on them for a little bit.

"Did you wanna come over and hang out with the boys for a little bit?" I pout as I looked over towards him.

"I would but I have to edit for a little bit." He nodded his head like he understood.

He told me he'll see me later and left. Once he was gone, I went back to my room so I could edit.

I love posting everyday for youtube, don't get me wrong, I'm just so happy that it's almost over so I can have a break.

I spent the rest of the night editing tomorrow's video. Once I was done, I went and laid down for bed.

The next morning, I got up around ten so I went to publish the video. It was a school day so Maya had already went to classes.

Once the video was published, I got on my scooter and went towards the kitchen to make cereal.

I grabbed the milk, bowl, and cinnamon toast crunch as I heard the front door opened and closed.

I looked to see it was Xepher, Devyn, and Kat. I smiled as they walked over towards us.

"Hey, I didn't expect you guys to come." I smile towards them. They were all dressed up so I guess they were about to go out somewhere.

"We figured that you needed some girl time so we came over and stopped by." I'm honestly really happy they came over.

I can't remember the last time us girls actually hung out with each other.

We caught up on each other's lives for a little, each girl saying what's been going on. After Xepher explained some things, they turned towards me.

"So, you and Colby have been getting closer from what I've noticed." Devyn smirked towards me.

I had a feeling of what she was hinting at. "Yeah, he's a really great friend. He's the one I'm closest to in the trap house." I tell them.

"I'm sorry, but I can see you guys getting together." Kat told us which made the other two agree.

I laughed a little at the thought of Colby and myself getting together. I've known him for about a month so we're just now getting close friends.

"Oh really, why's that?" I ask her curiously. She just shrugs while she looks over towards me.

"I just think you guys would look cute together, that's all." She shrugged. I just shook my head knowing I don't have feelings like that for him.

Luckily, we got off the topic and started talking about our Halloween costumes.

Kat said her and Sam were being Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, which I think would look really good.

Devyn and Corey were going to be Barbarians, and I couldn't wait to see that.

Xepher was going to be someone from a Pokemon game, and I made her show me a picture of it for reference.

I think she'll look really good. I told them how I was planning on being Elliot from ET and they said they would totally help with the scooter and basket.

I honestly couldn't wait for the Halloween party they were throwing. I didn't want to drink too much, but I do wanna feel it.

I was gonna party hard knowing I was gonna celebrate that MUA's in October were going to be over.

I was honestly excited.

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