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We're having a game night over at the trap house so I was currently preparing for that.

Maya said she was spending the night with some of her teammates so they can get to know each other.

I think she was going to a college party with them too so I told her if she felt uncomfortable to call me.

I didn't know what kind of games they were doing tonight and knowing they aren't normal, I wasn't prepared.

I was currently packing a small bag in case I was too drunk to leave. I was bringing extra clothes, a bottle of alcohol, my mac, and some other things.

I grabbed my phone charger and shoved it down the bag. "I'm about to leave so I'll probably see you tomorrow." My sister said.

I smiled towards her while I put my backpack on. "Be careful and have fun." I tell her. I looked at my outfit one last time.

It was an XPLR hoodie and leggings. It was simple and casual. I text the group chat they added me to that I was about to leave.

I made sure I had everything before I actually left. Excitement was an understatement.

My birthday's coming up soon and they keep telling me how they have something planned.

It did make me nervous but I was excited about what it could be. I bet they're gonna throw a party.

I drive there listening to music, mainly to heavy metal. Colby's been showing me a bunch of new music.

I didn't listen to heavy metal much, but there were a few songs that I liked since Colby showed me some songs.

He made me a playlist to listen to whenever I felt like it. Colby and I have gotten closer these past couple of weeks.

He's honestly really fun to hang out with and talk to. We have the same interests so it makes it easier.

When I get to the traphouse, I park the car and grab everything I needed.

I let myself in knowing I've been here so many times now.

I didn't know where anyone was so I decided to go to Colby's room.

I jogged up the steps and go to his room. Luckily, it was open so I peaked my head inside.

He was laying on his bed, scrolling through his phone. He saw me and started laughing lightly.

"What are you doing weirdo?" He locked his phone and sat it on the bed next to him.

He sat up while I went in and sat on the couch that was in his room. "I didn't know who was here yet so I came to bother you." I laugh a little bit.

He sighed while rolling his eyes towards me. "I think we're just waiting on Kat and Sam to get back." He tells me.

He suggested that we go downstairs to see what everyone's doing so I followed him downstairs.

We could hear them talking and laughing in the living room so I followed him there. Corey was playing Rocket League with everyone watching.

Even Aaron was watching which surprised me. Usually he's upstairs in his room playing fortnite.

Out of all the roommates, he's the one I talk to the least, not because I dislike him or anything.

I just haven't talked to him much. "What's up losers?" Colby asked while sitting next to Corey.

I went over and sat on the beanbag chair. It was super comfortable. "Kat just texted saying they're on the way back from getting alcohol."

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