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It's the day of the Halloween party and I was thrilled. Xepher has been over all day helping with the basket on the scooter.

Once it was done, we put Jake's ET doll in it that he was letting me borrow. I was honestly so happy that he was letting me borrow it.

When I told him the idea of it, he instantly started laughing. He said it was going to be great and was cool about letting me borrow it.

We had wrapped him up in a blanket and put him in it, us two instantly laughing about it.

When we had finished doing my costume, I helped Xepher do hers. I painted the symbol on her stomach and helped her do her hair.

I thought we both looked really good. Once we were dressed and ready to go, we grabbed everything we needed and headed out to the car.

I'm packing an extra bag of clothes in case I'm too intoxicated and can't drive back to the house.

I hate drunk driving and everything about that. Xepher and I listen to music on the way to the traphouse.

We were going a little bit earlier since I had to do Colby's makeup. He said to just do his makeup as a skeleton so it wouldn't be too hard.

When we get to the house, we walk in together, well I roll in. Corey was walking downstairs into the foyer and he looked at me.

An instant smile grew on his face as he started laughing. He clapped towards me while I rolled towards him.

"That's fucking great, Ren. I love it." He complimented me. "Thanks." I laughed a little bit.

I asked where Colby was and he told me how he was upstairs in his room.

"Colby Brock! Get your ass down here!" I yell rather loudly. I didn't feel like going upstairs and calling him.

A moment later, there were footsteps that came down the stairs. "Damn, Ren. I think you woke up England." He laughed towards me.

"Are you ready to get your makeup on?" I asked as we went into the living room. Xepher said she was going to go help Devyn with her costume.

Colby sits in front of me while I grab my makeup kit. "You said you just wanted your mouth, chin, and nose done right?" I ask.

He nodded his head while I grabbed the brush. It was going to take me a little bit but I was excited.

Luckily, he was quiet whenever I did his mouth and chin. As I did his make up on his mouth, I realized how close I was.

I know I shouldn't be, but I'm thinking about his lips. They looked really soft. I couldn't help but notice how strong his jawline was either.

He has some really good features about him, there's no denying it. I didn't want to think too much about it.

Mainly how attractive he is because he's way too attractive for me. I'm just afraid to get my hopes up.

When I finished the lower half of his face, I looked at the top half to see it was a little bland.

"Can I try something?" He nodded his head while he smiled at me. I made his eyes black so it's not just his lower half.

When I finished, I leaned back to look at his face. I smiled as I took a quick picture of him.

He grabbed his phone so he could look at himself. He dropped his jaw and gasped towards me.

"It's not the best I've done." I frowned towards him. He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at me.

"Are you kidding me? Ren, this looks really good." He boasted. I couldn't help but smile at him.

We talked for a couple minutes but we were interrupted by Corey announcing that we all need to take shots before everyone showed up.

Was it already that late? We went into the kitchen together to see Corey had poured a bunch of shots.

I snickered a little while I noticed Jake was dressed up as Dora the Explorer. I loved seeing everyone in their costumes.

"Just remember to babysit Ren and Colby, don't let them get too drunk." Jake joked when everyone came in here.

Both Colby and myself flipped him off and it made it even funnier. We all take a shot, the burning liquid going down my throat.

I made a face towards Colby as he did the same. Jake started playing music as people slowly started showing up.

The girls and I grabbed a couple bottles, cups, and went to sit on the couch while the boys made their rounds.

Everyone loved my costume, it was a big hit so I'll have to thank Maya. Within an hour, the house was pretty much packed.

"Isn't that your sister?" Kat asked as I looked over to where she was pointing at. I looked to see she was walking in with the boy she's talking to.

I couldn't help but smile a little bit. He was honestly super cute. Tall, tanned skin, curly hair. It was for sure Maya's type.

She spotted us on the couch and walked over towards us. "Hey, I figured I'd stop by before we go to the party." She told us when she came over.

Owen was standing behind her, looking at everyone. "Who's the stud behind you?" Devyn asked making her blush.

Luckily Owen wasn't paying attention cause he was still looking around. "Owen, this is Kat, Devyn, Xepher, and my sister, Ren."

We all stood up so we could shake his hand. "This is a sick party." He complimented as I laughed a little bit.

We talked for a few minutes and Colby noticed that we were talking to Maya. "Maya! What's up dude?" They bro hugged which made me giggled.

I like how they get along with each other. I can tell Maya looks up to Colby. "Wanna take a shot?" Colby asked as I dropped a jaw.

"You're going to ask my sister but not me?" I asked him surprised. They started walking to the kitchen but he turned to me.

"Get on your scooter then." He tells everyone to make way while I ride past them. It was honestly super funny.

We all take a shot really quick, the liquor warming me up. The whole party went pretty amazing.

I could tell everyone was having a good time. Everyone started leaving around three that morning and I started getting tired.

I had my head on Colby's shoulder while we sat on the couch. "Colby, can you carry me to bed?" I slur to him.

I was drunk and feeling it so I didn't feel like sleeping on the couch downstairs. That, and I don't trust Jake.

"Of course." He smiled towards me. He got up and scooped me up in his arms. I couldn't help but giggle as he carried me up to his room.

He gently laid me down in his bed and put the blankets over me. "Are you feeling better now?" He asked as I nodded my head towards him.

"Yeah, will you stay with me though?" I was half asleep. It was silent while he climbed into bed with me.

I scooted over towards him, laying my head on his chest. I was honestly super comfortable.

"Goodnight, Colbs." I smile while I try to fall asleep. He wrapped his arm around me and started rubbing my back a little bit.

That was just gonna make me go to sleep faster. "Night, Ren." He whispers. Just a minute or two later, I had fallen asleep in his arms.

When I woke up the next morning, I was for sure hungover. It wasn't as bad as my birthday, but my head was pounding.

I texted Sam and asked him to bring me medicine if he was up. As I laid there and waited, I thought about something.

This is one of my favorite Halloweens.

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