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It's finally New Years Eve. I was honestly super excited about the party at the traphouse.

Colby and I were gonna try to spiral again, so hopefully it goes okay. Maya and Owen are coming to our party instead of going to a frat party.

I think it's cause there's going to be a bunch of youtube personalities there. Plus they're going to be safer with us than with a frat party.

The frat party will more than likely have the cops called on them and they could be in trouble.

I was going there a little bit earlier so I could help them all set up. I had my stuff packed into a bag with some extra stuff.

Maya's out getting lunch with Owen so I head out of the house. I was honestly really sad twenty-eighteen was ending.

It's been a crazy year honestly. I moved from New Hampshire to California. I met some of my best friends.

I met some new friends that became best friends in such a short time.

I've started exploring a little bit with Sam and Colby. My youtube has gotten bigger because of my collab with Sam and Colby.

It's honestly been a really good year. I wonder what twenty-nineteen had in store for us.

When I get to the boys, I see that everyone's here, plus Kat and Devyn. I go inside the house to it being unusually quiet.

I jog upstairs to Colby since I know he's awake. When I go in there, he was sitting at his desk, editing their youtube video.

"What's up loser?" I ask grabbing my attention so he knows I'm there. I sit my bag on the couch and lay on his bed.

He looked at me with a big smile on his face. "Hey, dork." He leaned back in his chair to stretch.

"How long do you have until you're done editing?" He told me he was almost done so I laid on his bed and waited for him to be done.

I scrolled through Instagram and Facebook while he finished editing. It took him five minutes so when he stood up, I looked over at him.

"You wanna come downstairs with me?" He asked as I nodded my head. I followed him downstairs to see Jake and Corey in the kitchen.

Corey was laughing about something while Jake spoke to him. Who knows what he's talking about.

"What's he telling you in here?" I ask looking in between the two. Corey looked at me with a big smile.

"He's trying to tell me we need to shoot fireworks in the backyard." I looked at Jake like he was stupid.

"Don't look at me like that, Ren! I know you're gonna get fucked up and want to shoot some fireworks!" Jake defended himself.

I just purse my lips knowing he wasn't wrong. I do a bunch of stupid shit whenever I'm drunk, hence my broken foot.

"I'm just gonna stay quiet." Corey started laughing loudly. We all started talking about the party and what could happen.

They all started joking about how they need to babysit Colby and myself. Once everyone was down here, we all started cleaning and decorating.

It took us a couple hours but once it was done, it looked really good.

Once we were done cleaning, the girls went to get dressed up in Corey and Devyn's room.

I put on a red dress that went to my mid thigh and showed some cleavage. It was a little tight so it showed off my curves.

All the girls wolf whistled whenever they saw me wearing it. I joined them on the floor and started doing my makeup.

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