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I smiled at myself whenever I published the collab I did with Sam and Colby. I posted it the same day they posted so it could be aligned.

I was honestly excited to see all the comments and stuff on it. Most of everyone was busy today.

Maya had class, Devyn was busy with Corey, and Xepher is doing a photoshoot. I had no idea what Colby was doing.

I dialed his number and put it on speaker. He answered on the third ring. "Ren! I was not expecting you to call." He told me happily.

"I'm bored and hoping you're not busy." I tell him honestly. He was quiet for a moment so I guess he was thinking.

"No, I'm just hanging out at the house. You wanna come over?" He asked nicely. I couldn't contain my smile.

"Yeah, is it cool if I come now?" I asked hopeful. He agreed that I could come now so I told him I would leave here soon.

We share our goodbyes and hang up the phone. I look at myself in the mirror, making sure that I look good.

I had on leggings with a band t-shirt. It was simple but I thought it looked good.

I text Colby that I'm on the way as I walk out of the townhouse. I drive to the traphouse, starting to know it by memory.

It was a nice day outside. It wasn't too cold and it wasn't too hot either. It was honestly really nice outside.

When I reach his house, I see his and Sam's car. I let myself in the house, wondering where he is.

Before I could go anywhere, Colby walked out of the kitchen, wearing sweats and with my luck he was shirtless.

I pulled my eyes up to his face so I wouldn't be staring at his chest. "I didn't hear you come in." He smiled.

He said we could go up to his room so I followed him up there. I had never been in his room before so I didn't know what to expect.

We walk in causing me to look around. I laughed a little as he grabbed a random shirt from the floor.

"Nice post it notes." I compliment with a little sarcasam. He laughed a little bit while looking at it.

"Thanks, the roommates did it as a prank but I kinda just left it up there." He shrugged towards me.

I just laugh a little as I go and sit down on his couch. "So, what are your plans today?" I ask him.

His couch was pretty comfortable. "Uh, I don't know for sure. I think we were going to have a scary movie night." He told me.

That sounded like fun, but it wasn't until tonight. "We should go get Halloween costumes!" I suggest.

He scrunches his nose towards me. "I like to do my costume shopping last minute. Maybe we could pull a prank." He suggested.

Pulling a prank does sound fun. I can't remember the last time I pulled one.

"A prank sounds intriguing. What were you thinking?" I sit up for a moment, trying to think of something.

"We can prank Corey and Devyn since they're not here. Let me get Jake's help." He jogged out his room. 

A moment later, the two boys walked in. "You came to the master for a prank. How can I help you?" Jake said while sitting next to me.

"We were wanting to prank Devyn and Corey since they're gone." I explain to him. He clapped his hands together and leaned back.

"Switch their clothes around." It wasn't a horrible idea. We all agreed to it so we all stood up and went to their room.

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