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This is one of the best parties I've ever been to. I could tell everyone was having a good time.

I had lost how many shots I've done so I was pretty intoxicated. Maya's sitting on the couch with some guy so I guess it's the guy she likes, Owen.

As I threw back another shot with the girls, I saw Colby walking towards the back door.

He had a blanket with two bottles of alcohol. One Whiskey and one Vodka. He saw me looking and smirked towards me.

He nodded his head, signaling me to follow wherever he's going. I sneak away from the girls and head away towards Colby.

"What are you doing?" I ask while giggling. "Just follow me, Ren." He flashed me a smile while we walked out the house.

He took me to the side where there was a ladder on the side. "I'm gonna ask you to hold this alcohol." I took it from him with a smile a little bit.

"On my birthday, how rude?" I joke while laughing a little bit. I really hope he doesn't fall off the ladder.

Hell, I hope I don't fall off the ladder. Once he's far enough, I follow him up. I was a little wobbly but I maintained to stay up.

Once I get on the roof I see that he's laying the blanket down for us to sit on.

I sit down next to him, cracking open the new vodka bottle. I bring it up to my lips while I lay on my back.

"I'm fucking wasted." I tell him while I try to look at the stars. That's the one thing I do miss about New Hampshire.

I miss being able to look up at the stars. "Do you ever miss Kansas?" I ask Colby.

He thinks about it for a moment. "I miss my family and some high school friends." He admits.

I could tell he was drunk by his voice. "What about you though?" He asked as I nodded my head for some reason.

"Me too. Especially my family." Even though my parents are across the country, I'm happy I have my sister.

"Your sister seems cool." Colby admitted towards me. I nodded towards him while I took another gulp of the vodka.

"Yeah, a lot of people used to hate us since I was adopted. They tried to say I wasn't truly her family."

I looked at Colby to see he was looking at me sadly. "That sucks, I'm sorry about that." I just shrug while I take another swig.

"It doesn't bother me. I'm blessed that I have her and my parents." I tell him honestly.

I hate how I didn't see my parents on my birthday, but I'm thankful my new friends made it so special.

Colby and I talked about different things as we drank. It was nice to get alone time.

As we sat up there, we could hear the music playing and blasting downstairs. I don't remember much else after that night.

When I woke up the next morning, my head was pounding. I felt so bad and I for sure blacked out.

As I opened my eyes I saw I was laying on Colby's bed. I look to see he was asleep next to me and Maya is on the couch.

I would be weirded out by it if I wasn't about to throw up. I quickly got out of bed so I could throw up.

As I stood up from the bed, I felt a lot of pain on my ankle when I put pressure on it.

I winced in pain but I kept moving in fear of me throwing up on Colby's floor.

I limped to the nearest bathroom and threw up in the bathroom. I for sure drank way too much last night.

As I threw up, I felt someone grab my hair and pull it back. I didn't know who it was but I didn't care at the moment.

I was grateful that they were helping. A couple minutes go by and I think I finally throw everything up.

I sit back and put my head in my hands. "You feeling okay?" I hear Colby's voice ask.

I just groan in pain. "Did I do something to my ankle?" I rasp out. I look to see he was shrugging.

"I kinda blacked out so I don't remember much." He sadly tells me. I looked to see my ankle was swollen and bruised.

I don't remember doing this. I heard footsteps to see Sam and Maya walking in.

"Everything okay?" Sam asked as I nodded my head. "Ren threw up." Colby started to rub my back a little bit.

"I'll go get you water." Maya turned around and left the area. "Did I do something to my ankle?" I ask Sam, hoping he would remember.

I could see him grimace a little bit. "Maya, Kat, and myself found you two drunk on the roof." He started.

He explained how they made us climb down and I ended up tripping on the third step closest to the ground and fell.

They said that I twisted it pretty bad and tried to get me to go to the ER but I kept saying no.

It's in major pain, like it's throbbing. "I think I need to go to the hospital, I just think I'm still a little drunk." I tell them.

Maya came back up and gave me water. I started chugging it so hopefully it gets rid of my throw up mouth.

"I'll drive. You think you can walk?" I shake my head towards him. He came over towards me and put his hand on my back and under my knees.

He swiftly lifts me up and brings me up to his chest. I rest my head on his chest while I wrap my arm around him.

"I think I got too lit last night." I joke making them laugh a little as we walk past.

Sam told us to keep them updated and we agreed. He carried me all the way to the car and sat me inside.

I made sure to thank him as he closed the door. He jogged to the other side of the car while I leaned my head back.

He started the car and started to drive. "How are you driving right now?" I groan to him.

I honestly had no idea. "Trust me, I'm pretty hungover right now." He tried to laugh it off.

"I'm sorry you have to take me to the hospital." I apologize. He glanced at me for a moment and looked like I was crazy.

"Don't be sorry. Let's just get to the ER." We make small talk while we drive there.

We tried to talk about the party and all that we remember. When we get to the hospital, we told the girl at the front desk that my foot might be broken.

She gave us paperwork to fill out while we waited. There were a couple other people in here too so it wasn't crowded.

I filled the paperwork out while Colby scrolled through his phone next to me. When I finished, he brought it up to the front desk.

It took them forty five minutes to take me back to a room. I sat on the chair while the nurse looked at my paperwork.

"Happy late birthday. Wanna tell me why you're here?" I explained that I was climbing off a ladder and stepped off wrong.

She asks me a bunch of questions while she looks at it. She asks me to move it around but I couldn't cause of the pain.

"This is broken. I'll get a doctor here so you can get X-Rays." She smiles towards me.

I groan while I look back at Colby. "If you wanna leave, you can, I don't want you stuck here all day." I tell him.

He just crossed his arms while leaning back on the wall. "It doesn't bother me at all. I'm not leaving you stranded."

I'm blessed to have Colby.

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