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I strummed on my guitar while I waited on Sam and Colby to show up. When I was little, my parents put me in music lessons.

They didn't force me or anything, I spent a year begging them, and they eventually agreed.

I learned how to play guitar, piano and keyboard, and I took singing lessons. I've always been into that kind of stuff.

I've posted snippets of me singing and playing before, but I've never released anything before.

My supporters want me to come out with either a song or cover but I didn't know if I should or not.

Maya was currently up in her room, doing school work since it's Saturday. As I sat there and strummed, there was a knock on the door.

I stood up while putting my guitar on the stand. I went over to answer the door.

When I opened it, the two boys were on either side. I couldn't help but smile when I saw them.

I stepped aside so I could let them both in. "You have a nice place." They smiled towards me as they walked in.

"Thanks, I finally unpacked everything." I laughed a little bit. I closed the front door while they scanned everything.

We caught up on stuff while I showed them my filming area. "So what I thought was first, I could work on Colby's face, and then Sam's." I start.

I then looked at each boy. "Only thing is no peaking when you're finished. I want it to be a big reveal."

I explained how I want Sam to sit in the living room when I work on Colby and vice versa. They were both okay with that.

I had three chairs in front of the camera so I could film the intro. It took me a couple minutes to film it and Sam stood up.

"I'll see you on the other side." Sam told his best friend. I laughed a little bit as I moved the other chairs.

Once Sam was gone downstairs, I grabbed my makeup kit. "So for my viewers who haven't heard of you, I'm gonna ask some questions if that's okay."

He nodded his head while I put some concealer on a brush. "So how long have you and Sam been doing youtube?" I question.

He thought about it for a second. "We posted our first video in two thousand and fourteen so around four years." He answered.

I'm really close to Colby's face. "How'd you guys meet?" I always wondered about this.

"We actually met at band camp before our freshman year. We both liked the same girl." He explained.

I cannot picture him being in band camp. The thought made me laugh a little bit.

The whole time he sat there while I did his makeup, I asked him some questions about his career.

I hadn't told them anything yet, but I was doing werewolf makeup on them. Once Colby was done, I took some pictures of his face.

I honestly think it looked really good. Once he was done, I made Colby hang out in the guest room while Sam walked up.

It would be easier so they don't run into each other. As I did Sam's makeup, I asked him questions about him and Kat.

Doing this was honestly super fun. It was the first actual collab I've done besides Devyn and Xepher.

Once I was done with Sam, I took pictures of his face too. I think I did pretty well on both of them.

I made Sam turn around while Colby walked in. I counted down for them to turn around.

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