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"This place totally creeps me out." I say while we walk up to the abandoned hospital.

Since it took us a couple hours to get there, it was starting to get dark there.

The place looked huge so we could explore a lot of it, hoping we wouldn't get caught.

"Well, the sun is setting so we should get in, explore, and get out in case there are patrol cars." Sam explained.

We all turned on our flashlights and looked at each other. "What's taking y'all so long? Let's go!" I tell them happily.

We all go inside the hospital, one by one. It was a little scarier knowing it was getting dark, but it was honestly fun.

We all looked around while we went to one of the rooms. Sam explained how the building was run down and couldn't function there anymore.

They built a new hospital and left everything here. It was intriguing for sure.

"We should find the morgue. Where's that?" I ask curiously. Sam thought about it for a moment.

"I think downstairs. We can save that for last." I was for sure okay with that. I followed the two boys into one of the rooms.

I could tell it was one of the patients rooms. The bed was still laying there, like it was untoched since everyone left.

"Ren, I dare you to lay on the bed." Colby dared me. I looked at him like he was stupid.

"And catch a disease? No thanks." I joke with him. "I mean, you're in the right place if you do catch one." Sam joined in.

The three of us started laughing a little bit as we skimmed through the room.

We spent the next thirty minutes searching the hospital. We found a room that had everyone's records on it.

We spent ten minutes looking through everything. I wish we had more time to look through everything.

In the distance, we heard sirens so we turned the flashlights off. "Should we leave or head towards the morgue?" I ask in a whisper.

"We should wait it out to see if they get closer." Sam whispered as well. We waited for a minute or two and didn't hear anything.

We didn't hear any cars come towards the hospital. We decided to go find the morgue in a hurry but also careful.

It took us another fifteen minutes to get there so it was really dark. There was a creepy vibe about the morgue that I didn't like.

I think I'm just thinking about all the bodies that have been in here.

We looked at everything and decided it was time to leave before we got caught. Luckily, we made it to the car, me climbing into the back.

The boys climbed into the front, Sam driving. "You guys are right, it's way scarier at night." I laughed a little bit.

We made small talk on the drive but I could feel myself start to get tired. I leaned my head on the window and rested my eyes.

Eventually, I fell asleep. "So, you and Ren seem to be really close." Sam spoke.

I could hear Colby shush him like he didn't want to wake me up. "She's asleep, it's okay." Sam reassured him.

"Yeah, she's a really great friend." When he said the word, friend, it hurt a little bit.

I don't even know why it hurt when he said that, it's not like I have feelings for him.

Sam was quiet for a moment. "I don't know man. I've never seen you act like that for a girl before."

I was for sure interested now. Colby made a slight noise with his mouth. "What do you mean?" Colby asked his best friend.

Sam thought about it for a minute before speaking. "It's just nice seeing you hang out with a girl, publicly, knowing your fans." He explained.

Colby told me about his fans before. Mainly how they're overly protective and basically hate every girl he hangs out with.

He hasn't told me specifically but I can tell it aggravates him a little bit.

"Like I said, Ren's a really great friend of mine." There he goes with that word. Friend.

I guess I was right though so there's no point in getting my hopes up.

I lay there for a little bit longer, thinking about everything he said to Sam. When I felt him park the car, I slowly opened my eyes.

We were back at the traphouse. I sigh and climb out of the car. "You wanna hang out for a while?" Colby asked nicely.

I nodded my head while I followed the two inside. Right when I walked inside, I could hear Corey's laughter.

We walked through the kitchen and into the living room to see Corey and Jake were playing rocket league.

"What's up losers?" I asked while sitting down on the couch, next to Jake.

Jake looked over at me with a disappointed face. "Loser? Is that the best you can do, New Hampshire?" He asked.

I couldn't help but laugh a little towards him. "Don't you have to dye your hair?" I ask shoving him a little bit.

"Can you two shut up? I'm trying to play over here." Corey laughed at us. I looked at Colby to see he was looking in between us.

It does hurt he thinks of me as friends. At least I know now before I had actual feelings for him.

I hung out with the boys for awhile, watching the two boys play rocket league. The later it got, the more tired I felt.

I stood up and stretched while yawning. "I think I'm going to head home." I announce to everyone.

They all pouted towards me. "I'll walk you out." Colby stood up from the couch and walked out of the house with me.

"You know if you're too tired to leave, you can stay here tonight." He offered. I scrunched my nose up while I look at him.

"I'll be okay. I don't want Maya to be alone. It freaks her out." I explain to him.

She really does get freaked out and I don't blame her. I don't like being home alone too much either.

"Okay, well, let me know whenever you get home." I smile a little bit and nodded my head.

We share our goodbyes and I head out. I made sure to play loud music so I could keep myself awake.

When I pulled in, I noticed there was a car over that I didn't recognize.

I walked inside to see her watching a movie who I assume is Owen. "Hey, guys." I'm happy they weren't on top of each other.

They both sit up and look over towards me. "Hey. I hope it's okay I invited Owen over." She told me a little shyly.

I've never seen her so shy before so it was new. "No, it's okay. Just no hands." I tease the two a little bit.

I go into my room, change into a t-shirt and pajama shorts and sit down on my bed.

I text Colby I was home so he knew I was here safely. I watched Netflix as I was starting to get tired.

I ended up falling asleep watching Stranger Things. That show is one of my favorites and I have a big celebrity crush on Joe Keery.

How could you not think he was cute? I would choose him over Jonathan.

It was getting closer to Thanksgiving so I asked my sister what she wanted to do.

She said she has the Wednesday through Sunday off so I told her we could fly home to see our parents.

I told her how I have the Friendsgiving with everyone in the friend group the Saturday before Thanksgiving week.

I was honestly super excited. I think everyone was gonna cook something while the boys hosted.

I think they were going to be drinking a little bit too.

Excited was an understatement.

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