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"I got the baked mac and cheese out of the oven for you." Maya said as I checked out my outfit in the mirror.

I had on light brown and tan plaid pants, a white tube top, and a brown jean jacket that was cropped.

I matched my makeup with the outfit and I thought it looked really cute. I turned to Maya with a smile on my face.

Sam and Colby said that if she wanted to, she could come so her and Owen are coming.

I'm just coming sooner since I have food with me. "Thanks, I appreciate it." She smiled at me for a moment and then went upstairs to get ready.

I walked into the kitchen and the smell of baked mac and cheese was amazing. It brings me back to my childhood.

I text the boys I'm about to come over with food and that Maya and Owen should be over soon.

It'll be the first time Owen meets the friend group so I'm sure he's nervous.

I put the food in the front seat and headed over to the boys house. I think the roommates plus Kat are there right now.

Sam and Colby are making the turkey. It honestly did make me nervous that they're making the turkey.

Hence another reason why I'm going there a little bit early. When I pulled in, the only cars that are there are the roommates plus Kat.

I grab my mac and cheese and head inside. I could smell the Turkey cooking. "Hello?" I say out loud.

"We're in here!" Sam said from the kitchen. I go in there and sit the food I had made down.

Sam was bent over, checking the turkey while Colby was standing behind him.

He turned to look at me, his eyes scanning up and down. I look at him weirdly for a moment and just shake my head.

"How's the turkey holding up?" I ask them while sitting up on the counter. Sam closed the oven and fully stood up to look at me.

"Good, we've called my mom a couple times to help. I think it should be done soon." He explains to me.

I smiled a little bit as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked over to see it was Kat. She smiled when she realized I was here.

"Girl, your outfit is so cute." She complimented me. I made sure to thank her while I did the same.

Jake came down the stairs and into the kitchen with all of us. "Jake what'd you make?" I ask curious.

He took a grape off the counter and popped it into his mouth. "I was going to help with the turkey but I figured I didn't want to burn the house down."

I mean that was a fair point. "Don't listen to him. He got up maybe twenty minutes ago." Sam called him out.

Jake flipped him off and walked away from all of us. We hung out while they cooked the turkey.

We all talked about how we couldn't wait for everyone to come.

Eventually everyone started showing up with their food, drinks, or dessert.

Before we started eating, Maya and Owen took a group photo for us so we could post it.

Once the picture is taken, we all go into the kitchen, made our plates, and sat down to eat.

I really enjoyed eating this with everyone. The boys did really well on their turkey, I was honestly surprised.

My baked mac and cheese was a hit so I'm happy I had made enough for everyone.

Us girls were currently sitting in the room with the bar, drinking wine.

"Hey, are you and Colby fighting or something? Something seems off." Kat asked while noticing.

Ever since I overheard him calling me just a friend, I kinda backed off a little bit.

We're still friends and hang out often, I've just been guarded.

I explained to them what happened last week when I went exploring, the girls were quiet while I explained everything.

"At least you know now before it got too deep. I wouldn't let it affect your friendship with him." Devyn spoke up.

I hate to admit it but she is right. I don't want to lose Colby over a silly word. I looked over to see Colby walking over towards us.

He walked over towards us and sat down next to me. "Is anyone else as full as I am?" He asked no one in particular.

We all nodded our heads and agreed with him. He slid down a little bit and rested his head on my shoulder.

The action caught me off guard for a moment but I shrugged it off and let it happen. It was nice hanging out with everyone.

Maya and Owen ended up leaving after a while because Owen had to catch up on homework.

I honestly like Owen, I think Maya did a good job. I hung out here til about ten but I was exhausted from the cooking.

Plus, I have to start looking for flights so Maya and I can fly back home for Thanksgiving.

I love being in California don't get me wrong, I just miss my parents since I didn't see them for my birthday.

I'm so thankful for my parents for having my back. They're one of my biggest support systems.

They know how hard I worked with this so it's special. I don't know where I would be without the two.

When I got to the townhouse, I went ahead and booked our flight for Wednesday at eight in the morning.

It's gonna be early but knowing we're flying across the country, it's going to be a long day.

I told Maya and she said that it works with her. Her class on Tuesday ends at two thirty so she has time to pack last minute.

My phone started ringing showing that Colby was calling. "I've been gone for an hour, you miss me already?" I jokingly asked Colby.

I could tell he was rolling his eyes. "I just wondering what you were up to." He brings up.

"I just booked my flight ticket for Thanksgiving." I tell him. He tells me how him and Sam were gonna fly back sometime Wednesday afternoon.

I asked him if he could drive us to the airport Wednesday morning, and luckily he agreed.

I'm just happy I have that whole thing situated. I had no idea what I was going to pack.

I still have some time to figure everything out. I fell asleep right after I finished a chapter in my book.

The next morning, I figured I could do some laundry while Maya's at school. As I did my laundry, Colby came over to hang out with me.

"How come you don't post any covers or anything?" He asked while looking at my guitar and keyboard.

I shrug while I join him on the bed. "I don't know. I've done snippets of stuff but I've never actually posted anything." I tell him.

As he lays there, I can see he's thinking about something. "I don't see the harm in doing a couple and seeing what people think." He shrugs.

"Maybe, I don't know. I just wanna focus on my makeup at the moment." I tell him honestly.

He nods his head like he understands. "I totally get it." That's the thing I love about Colby.

We both agree on a lot of stuff and we can talk on a deeper level.

I know I'm gonna miss him during Thanksgiving but it's only for a few days.

Colby and I hang out for most of the day. He helps me with stuff that I need to wrap.

When I say help though, he sat on the bed while I sorted through my closet.

It was nice company. We ended up getting lunch and bringing it back to the townhouse so we could eat.

I was for sure going to miss him.

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