chapter one | a new show

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Y/N THOUGHT SHE would never graduate from high school but when she did, she went straight to work. She went into what she loved the most.


Her first major role was Tory Nichols in the Cobra Kai series, then she did a few things after which was where she met her friends Phoebe Tonkin, and Cariba Heine.

Now, her friends were with her on the set of a new show, where she would play her next major role, Bristol Sinclair.

All she knew was her character is the sister of Enid Sinclair. The group had arrived at Y/n's trailer at an early hour to see the set, and meet her castmates. "This trailer is better than mine and Phoebe's from when we worked on H2O." Cariba spoke with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Phoebe nodded in response as she laid back on the couch that was next to the door.

"Are you jealous?" Asked Y/n as she looked at the candy that was on the small table and then popped a few into her mouth.

"Maybe I am." The jealous tone of Cariba's voice had become more noticeable. "Happy for you though." She spoke with a now calmer tone.

Once the group had gotten settled, they waited around to see if anyone else would show up early or not. To her surprise, no one else did other than the crew, which a few she had already met.

She was clearly very excited to start shooting soon.

Hours had passed and more of the cast had shown up. One of the first people she met was Emma Myers, the actress playing her sister. She could tell that she would think of Emma as a sister soon enough.

Later on, she met the actors who played Pugsley, Tyler, Ajax, and Bianca. They all clicked almost instantly.

Phoebe and Cariba looked over at their friend proudly with smiles on their faces. "They grow up so fast." Cariba spoke sarcastically.

"Yes, they do." Phoebe answered and wiped away an imaginary tear then the two made their way back to Y/n's trailer.

For the next half an hour, Y/n, Emma, and the others chatted about anything they could think of till they were interrupted by the director. "I would like everyone to meet your Wednesday Addams." He announced then everyone cheered as Jenna Ortega joined the crowd with a smile on her face. Y/n was excited to see Jenna playing such a huge role. Once Jenna introduced herself to everyone, she finally made it to Y/n. She pulled her into a hug and the two exchanged hellos and went on to talk about their lives and a few other things.

The two had met a few times at award shows, and mutual friends' parties.

One of the many things Y/n learned about Jenna was that she is dating a guy named Tucker Madden. From the way she talked about him, he seemed like a great guy.

"Anything new in your life like a special someone?" Jenna asked as she poked at Y/n's sides playfully which caused Y/n to burst out laughing. After a few seconds, she moved her hands away to let her answer the question.

Y/n had eventually calmed enough to answer the question that she was just asked. "Uh, no, I've been too busy really to go on dates." Everyone quickly turned towards the single girl with a shocked expressions.

"We were so sure someone had managed to get you to go out with them." Georgie spoke honestly. Everyone nodded in agreement. "You just seem like you have a line of people at your door, just waiting to go out with you." He admitted.

"Well, you would be wrong." Y/n corrected with a nervous chuckle. She was completely caught off guard by the comment. No one's really said that about her before.

The director had walked over toward the group and instructed them to go wait in their trailers while they wait for the rest of the cast aka the adults to show up then they could start filming. It was an exciting moment for Y/n. She's working with people she already likes, and she knew a lot about the Addams family.

She was mainly happy to see Jenna again.

While Y/n waited for the adults to show up, she talked with her friends about what they missed. She even mentioned what Georgie had said.

"Hold on, they thought you were dating someone?" Cariba asked jokingly as she began to laugh.

Phoebe was quick to shut her up by hitting her on the arm. "She'll go on dates when she's ready, no matter how ridiculous her reasons are." Phoebe spoke honestly.

Y/n was quick to give her the death glare then she sat on the couch.

Phoebe mouthed an apology and then shrugged her shoulders. Y/n knew what she was trying to do but it wasn't helping at all.

"You know, if I'm going to be bullied then you guys can just leave." Y/n suggested.

"Great, bye." Cariba spoke and as she tried to leave, Phoebe pulled her back and made her apologize.

Some time had passed since the group had calmed down to a silent state. The only thing to break the silence was the knock on the door. "It's time for makeup." She heard the voice say. Y/n quickly got up from her spot and went toward the bathroom to change into her Nevermore uniform.

"What do we think?" She asked as she left the bathroom and did a little spin for her friends to see the whole outfit.

They gave her thumbs up then she felt ready to go. "See you guys later." She spoke with a smile then walked outside and made her way to the makeup area.

This was going to be a great thing for her, she could feel it.

brooke speaks!

well surprise on
the new story!
this is gonna be
fun to write

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