chapter seventeen | separation

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            FOR THE PAST few hours, Y/n has been waiting around the airport for her friends to pick her up. She had already received a few concerned texts from her former co-stars wondering why she left so suddenly. It was a fun time to explain that.

She had gotten another text alert and she checked thinking it was Emma again. To her surprise it was Maddie.

She wondered why Maddie was here instead of Phoebe or Cariba. She didn't want to question it any longer, so she picked up things and exited the airport. Along the way to Maddie's car, she met a few fans and was followed by the paparazzi.

It was obvious which one she enjoyed, and which one she didn't.

She was greeted with a smile and a hug when she approached her friend's car. "Welcome home, we've missed you." She spoke as she pulled away from the hug. Y/n slightly smiled in response and then Maddie helped her put all her bags in the car. "I heard about you and Jenna, are you okay?"

"Is there anyone that hasn't heard about it?" Y/n questioned as she got in the car. People had mentioned it so much that she got annoyed at the slightest mention of it.

"I'll take that as a no then."

"That's probably for the best."

Maddie nodded and then started the drive to Y/n's house. She still wondered where her other friends were. She's heard from them once today, and nothing since then. She hoped they didn't plan anything, she was too tired to function at the moment.

"Other than that, how was the trip?" Maddie asked cautiously.

Y/n shrugged in response, not breaking her silence. She had secretly hoped she would stop asking questions so she could sleep a little bit. Trying to sleep on the plane was a fail. "Not in the mood to talk huh? I get it." Maddie spoke again with a slightly offended tone and then there was silence once again.

Once the two had gotten to Y/n's house, Maddie helped her carry everything inside. When Y/n walked into her house, it looked to be cleaner than usual, and her friends were nowhere to be found. She wondered if they had cleaned her whole house and left.

Maybe she'll get the silence and sleep she wanted.

After getting everything up to her room, Y/n had begun the unpacking process. Eventually, Maddie helped her, and with her help, they got done in thirty minutes. They might have gotten done sooner if they didn't take breaks to make jokes. They had told some great jokes, and Maddie needed information on a specific topic.

"I know you didn't want to talk about it, but I have to know," Maddie spoke as the two sat on Y/n's bed. "Are you sure it was fake? I mean, you guys looked like you loved each other."

She knew there was no escaping this. It was too early to talk about it, but of course, Maddie wouldn't let it go.

"Yeah, I'm sure it's fake. I was the one she asked after all."

Maddie shot her a death glare and rolled her eyes. It was clear that she didn't appreciate the sarcasm from Y/n. "Y/n? Are you home?" A voice from downstairs said. Saved by the bell, Y/n quickly got up and made her way downstairs to see who it was. Maddie followed behind her, still trying to get information from her. Once they got downstairs, they saw Phoebe and Cariba. "Welcome home," Phoebe spoke happily and pulled her friend into a hug, and then she received a hug from Cariba.

"Nice to see you guys too," She spoke and then they all sat on the couch to talk about the trip. She had to avoid a few details, the ones involving Jenna.

"Let's get to the important questions," Cariba spoke with a grin. Y/n knew exactly where this was going. "Did you get us anything?"

She was wrong, she didn't know where that was going.

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now