chapter nineteen | she knew it

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            MY FRIENDSHIP WITH Y/n has been great, things have been pretty normal for the most part. Since everything that happened in New York, I've had time to think about a lot of stuff. One thing is why I reacted the way I did during most of my moments with Y/n. After discussing with Emma and my ex, they both concluded that I like Y/n, in the girlfriend way.

I'm not sure how they got to that conclusion.

I never told Y/n about any of this though. There was no reason to mention it yet.

Speaking of Y/n, she had come over a few hours ago to hang out and tell me about some role she had just got. She was very proud of herself, I was proud of her too. She was currently packing up the things she had brought with her so she could go home.

I think she mentioned something about helping Georgie with his lines. He had some new stuff he was working on too. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Y/n asked curiously, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Truth be told, I did have plans but I wasn't sure if I should tell her or not. I had plans to meet with Tucker. We've been meeting as friends to talk about our lives, that's how I recently found out he and Beth had broken up. Not completely sure what happened between them.

"Yeah, Emma asked me to do something with her." I lied. I didn't think it was very convincing but it worked enough to avoid any other questions.

"Alright, you two have fun then, and tell her I said hi." With that Y/n was gone, she probably knew something was up.

Once I was sure she was gone, I quickly picked up my phone and called Emma. I had to get her to cover for me just in case. Knowing how Y/n could be, I needed someone to lie for me and I know Emma would be the one to do it.

After the phone rang for a few seconds, I finally heard the happy tone that could only belong to Emma Myers. "Howdy, roomie!" She spoke cheerfully. She missed working on the show, that much was clear. "What do you need?" She questioned.

"I got something to do tomorrow, and I was wondering if you would cover for me in case Y/n calls you," I explained to her truthfully.

"What are you going to do? Commit a crime?"

"No, I'll explain when I get back tomorrow."

I could tell that reason wasn't good enough for her standards. She wanted to know what she was agreeing to if she even agreed at all though. There was one offer that I thought would work, I just haven't tried it yet. Now is a great time to try it. "If I take you to get ice cream, will you agree with no questions asked?"

"I guess that could buy my silence."

"Great, talk to you soon!"

Emma said goodbye and then ended the call. I know Y/n knows that I'm friends with Tucker, but we keep our meetings secret. It's mainly so the media doesn't follow us and start rumors. It makes sense to us.

I just hope he can help me figure this out.

I had gotten to our secret spot early, just a few minutes early. Shocking because I stopped to get something to eat. I skipped breakfast so I was hungry. I waited around for Tucker in my old treehouse, which was located in the backyard of my childhood home. My family still lives here.

After a few minutes, I heard someone climbing up the ladder. I took a quick peek to see who it was just to find out it was Tucker. Took him long enough.

When he finally reached the top, he was out of breath. Did he run here or something? "Why'd you call this meeting?" He questioned as he sat down to catch his breath.

"I need help figuring something out," I admitted and closed the hatch so no one else could get in.

"Let me guess, you didn't tell her."

I nodded in response which caused Tucker to let out a disappointed sigh. I'm still not sure how I feel. this how Y/n felt? No wonder she hid it for so long. "I still don't know what I feel yet."

I watched as Tucker got what he considered a "great idea" on how to figure this out. I'm afraid to see where this is going. "Do you trust me?" He questioned as he leaned closer to me.

"At the moment? Not really."

"It's just a test."

That didn't scare me at all.

I watched as he began to lean in, he was going to kiss me. Now I know what he was thinking. The moment he kissed me I expected to feel something, but I felt nothing. That was a good sign so far.

"Did you feel anything?" He asked after pulling away from the kiss.

"No, I didn't," I replied with a grin.

"Now you know what to do. Good luck, Jenna." He smiled and then opened the hatch and began the climb down the ladder. I have to figure out the best time to tell Y/n. What if she doesn't like me in that way anymore?

I have to tell her anyway just to find out. I just gotta find the right time to do it.

Emma might be able to help with that.

When I got home it was almost 7 pm. I have plenty of time to get answers from Emma. She might even be able to help me figure out what to say, that would help me a lot.

After a few seconds of hearing the phone ring, Emma answered the phone with a yawn. "I was taking a nap, but what's up?" Emma asked tiredly as another yawn escaped.

"Do you remember when you told me that you thought I liked Y/n, but like in the girlfriend way?" I asked her curiously. "I think you might be right."

I started to regret telling her once I heard her scream like a fan after their favorite ship finally started dating on their favorite tv show. Somehow I knew she would react like that, but I told her anyway. "When are you going to tell her?" Emma asked excitedly.

"I'm not sure, I don't know what her schedule looks like."

"She's having a going away party for herself in a couple of days to celebrate a new movie she's working on soon."

Y/n never told me about this. I knew about the role but I didn't think she was leaving to start filming this soon. How long will she be gone? Where is she going? I have to clear my schedule and be at that party, she has to know before she leaves. "What made you realize that?" She questioned, her voice pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Tucker kinda kissed me," I admitted nervously and then cleared my throat.

There was a minute of silence, I knew Emma was processing all this information. It was a lot to process, a lot for both of us. After a few more seconds of silence, the only thing Emma could say was "I don't want to know." She had a disgusted tone in her voice, it was a completely understandable reaction.

I'm not sure why I even tried to get him back in the first place.

What was I thinking? The short answer is I wasn't thinking.

"Do you need anything to make this special? Like a special song? or a speech made for you?"

"Just send me the time it starts so I know when to show up."

"I can do that. I got to go but I'll see you tomorrow for my ice cream." She teased and then ended the call. What am I gonna say? What I say could make or break this. It has to be perfect.

Good thing I have time to think about it.

brooke speaks!

one chapter left! i hope
you all enjoyed this
chapter, i wanted this
to give you all some
insight on Jenna's pov
of the whole thing. i
hope it worked out the
way i wanted it to and
i still hope grammarly
didn't fail me

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