chapter thirteen | the last episode

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            TODAY MARKED THE first day of filming the last episode of season one. After this, all that will be left is interviews and the occasional catch-up lunches. That was something Y/n wasn't ready for. Since today was such an important day, Phoebe and Cariba went to work with Y/n and Maddie would be at Y/n's house later.

They were gonna celebrate a moment like this.

Y/n had just walked out of the bathroom, dressed up in the Nevermore uniform. She turned to her friends who were looking at her with proud smiles. "Look at her, Phoebe. Y/n Grey is getting out in the world." Cariba spoke and wiped away a tear from her eye.

"So proud of her," Phoebe added and her smile grew bigger.

"Okay, don't go crying now. I still have interviews and stuff to do after this." Y/n spoke up and then walked toward the door. "I gotta go, but I'll see you guys when I get back. If I don't then I'll see you at home."

Y/n made her way out of the trailer and walked toward the Nevermore set. Once she got there, she saw Jenna in her Wednesday outfit and her hair in the iconic braids. Y/n couldn't comprehend that this was probably the last time they would work together for a long time. She knew they would possibly keep contact through text and calls, but it wouldn't be the same.

Once Y/n remembered that she was staring at Jenna, she knew she was staring too long when she noticed Jenna walking toward her. "Let me guess, admiring my beauty again?" She questioned as approached Y/n with a grin. "You would be correct." Y/n joked then pulled her into a hug. "Can you believe we've been fake dating for almost eight months now?" She questioned in a whisper.

"No, I can't."  She admitted. "I didn't think it would last this long."

"Yeah, me either." Y/n then pulled away once somebody had walked by. Jenna's response had kinda hurt but then she knew she had to remember once again what the mission at hand was, although she didn't know what that was anymore.

Oh right, help her get Tucker back, although Y/n didn't even like him.

"Ladies, work to do. Let's go." Tim Burton spoke as he walked by the fake couple.

Work now, talk later.

After many long hours of filming, Y/n finally made it home to see three different cars in her driveway. From what she could tell they belonged to Phoebe, Cariba, and Maddie. She sighed to herself and then got out of the car, and made her way inside the house. "Welcome home, have a drink," Maddie spoke once she noticed that her friend had walked in.

The two smiled at each other then Maddie handed her a drink and then Phoebe handed her a plate of pizza. "Enjoy." She spoke with a smile.

"Thanks, guys although this could have waited till we finish the show."

"We just like celebrating early, you know that," Cariba spoke as she joined the others.

Y/n knew that was true.

That was something she learned a week into the friendship. They were fun that way. "Let's watch a show," Y/n suggested and then carried her food and drink to the living room. She set them down on the coffee table and then picked up the tv remote.

The streaming service of choice was Disney plus. She knew exactly which show she wanted to watch. Once her friends got their food, they joined her in the living room and then she started the show.

After about an hour, the third episode of the show was starting. When the theme song started playing Y/n began to sing alone excitedly. "Together, one plus one is more than two!" She sang and then looked around to see her friends giving her weird looks. "Like I've said many times, I have no shame."

"Believe me, we know," Maddie reassured.

Y/n just brushed off the comment and then turned her attention back to the show.

Could the night get any better?

After a few hours of changing between different shows till they found one to watch, a knock on the door could be heard. After they heard the knock a few more times, Maddie finally told Y/n she should go see who was at the door. "What did you do?" She questioned as she walked toward the door.

"You'll have to find out." She spoke with a smile.

Y/n quickly looked back at her friends suspiciously just to see they were all smiling now. "This isn't scaring me at all." She spoke sarcastically then turned back to the door. She opened it to see Jenna standing there with a smile.

She wasn't expecting Jenna to show up. She didn't think her friends would do something like this. "Jenna, what are you doing here?" Y/n asked curiously.

"Maddie asked me to come over." She replied honestly.

"Of course she did." She then moved out of the way to let her in.

Once Jenna had walked in, her friends had stood up and begun collecting their things. "Where do you guys are going?" Y/n questioned once she noticed what they were doing.

"Home, it's getting late and we're tired," Cariba spoke with a fake yawn.

"Yep!" Phoebe quickly agreed and then they walked toward the still-open door that was held open by Y/n. "You two lovebirds have fun." She smiled at the two then the three left and Y/n closed the door behind the.

"I'm so sorry about them." Y/n was quick to apologize and then turned to look at Jenna.

"You don't have to apologize, I expect that from Maddie at this point." Jenna joked and then the two began to laugh.

Once the two had calmed down, they sat on the couch and began talking about the next possible fake date night idea. Although Y/n pitched a few ideas, there was one that she kept to herself.

The same one she kept to herself when Jenna told her about all the different places where she had a chocolate cake that she really enjoyed. That one was going to be a surprise. Which place they visit first is the real question.

She'll figure that out when the time comes.

After they'd talked for a while, Y/n had just remembered something. She suddenly remembered the conversation she had with Jenna about this a few months ago. Jenna had a confused expression on her face as she watched Y/n walk to the kitchen.

"I just remembered that I made a chocolate cake yesterday." Y/n spoke and as soon as Jenna heard the words "chocolate cake" she was quick to get to the kitchen. She's waited for a cake for a while now.

"I can't say no to chocolate cake." She said as Y/n placed a plate of cake on the table.

Jenna sat down at the table and then picked up the fork and began to eat her favorite dessert. "This is so good," Jenna spoke happily. "Please make my birthday cake this year."

Y/n chuckled at Jenna's reaction and nodded before getting herself a piece and then sitting across from her. "How'd you learn to bake like this?" She asked curiously.

"I'm self-taught actually," Y/n replied, slightly bragging.

"Multi-talented, got it."

Y/n smiled at the comment and then started eating her piece of cake.

The rest of the night consisted of cake, jokes, and conversations about random things. It was fun though. They were both having fun and that's all that mattered to them.

What mattered to Y/n most though was spending time with Jenna.

brooke speaks!

there might be some
mistakes but oh well.
this is gonna get
interesting from here
so be prepared! :)

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