chapter two | possible cheater

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A FEW DAYS into shooting the show, the cast has gotten close, except for Jenna and Y/n. They've talked to each other every now and then but they've been too busy. Jenna always goes to see her boyfriend every day after shooting so she isn't always available.

Y/n was hanging out in Emma's trailer scrolling through her phone. She looked up once she heard music playing to see Emma dancing around.

"Why are you like this?" Y/n asked curiously and set her phone down.

"Why am I fun you mean?" She corrected and then thought of what to say. "I don't know, why are you boring?" She retaliated with a mischievous grin. She knew what she was trying to do, it almost worked.

"Nice try, Myers. Nice try." Y/n went back to what she was doing, unaware that the music had stopped and Emma was now sitting next to her.

"We don't see you talking to Jenna very much, why is that?"

Y/n never thought anyone would care enough to ask her about that. Does she lie? She just shrugged her shoulders in an unsure manner and Emma just looked at her, waiting for an answer.

"I guess we're just too busy."

Emma looked at her like she knew that wasn't the real reason. "Go back to your dancing thing." She suggested then picked up her phone.

Without hesitation, she did as told and turned her music back on.

When Y/n opened her phone, she saw a text from Georgie, notifying her that she is needed for some scenes. With Emma being distracted, she had the perfect chance to sneak out, which she took.

She was sure that Emma would ask her about that later.

Once Y/n was done filming for a few hours, she was returning to her trailer when she heard someone trying to talk to her. "Hey Y/n, we're all going out later if you want to join us."

She turned around to see it was Jenna. "I'd love to, but I can't tonight." She watched as the happiness on Jenna's face drained.

"I think she means that she'd love to be there." Emma corrected as she walked toward them. She looked at Y/n with a smirk then the two watched as the smile appeared once again on Jenna's face.

The two looked at Jenna with smiles then Emma dragged Y/n along with her. "You'll thank me later." She spoke with a mischievous tone, she was planning something and Y/n didn't know what it was.

That scared her more than it should.

Once they got back to Emma's trailer, Y/n looked at her with a questioning look. "What was that about?" She asked with a slightly annoyed tone.

"She clearly wanted you there since you guys are friends after all." She explained. "When we hung out a few days ago she kept asking about you."

Y/n never heard this before. She saw the times Jenna would frown when she would reject her but she never thought anything of it. She knew Jenna was just trying to be her friend.

Was this a Wednesday and Enid situation? Was she the Wednesday in this situation?

"I have to find an outfit then," Y/n spoke in defeat then sighed.

Emma jumped and clapped with excitement. She already regretted agreeing to this. What did she get herself into?

An hour after she got home, she got dressed to meet up with Jenna and everyone else at the restaurant.

Before she left, she grabbed her keys and her earbuds. The restaurant isn't very far from her house so she decided to walk.

She played her favorite playlist and then stepped outside, closing and locking the door behind her. The sun had already set and the moon was visible along with the stars. It was a fairly chilly night, but not enough to make her need a jacket.

Once she got to her location, she walked in to see her castmates and a man she didn't recognize. That must be Jenna's boyfriend.

"Great." She spoke to herself quietly and then walked toward their table. "Hey, guys." She spoke as she sat down in the only open spot which was between Emma and Jenna, this was gonna end well.

Jenna and Emma were the first to notice her and pull her into a hug. "What took you so long?" Emma asked quietly in Y/n's ear as she pulled her into a hug.

"I debated on showing up." She replied quietly then pulled away from the hug with a smile. Emma gave her a mean look then quickly changed it to a smile when she saw Jenna looking over at them.

Everyone returned to their conversations but Y/n pulled out her phone and began scrolling through it, her face displaying an empty expression. She was not having fun.

As time slowly passed and a few drinks were consumed, Y/n looked up from her phone every so often to see Jenna's boyfriend, Tucker, staring at his phone and a blush appearing on his face with a smile.

She looked to see if it was Jenna but her phone was off and she was facing Emma, in the middle of a conversation about Beetlejuice. "Uhm, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Emma, would you go with me please?" She questioned.

Emma nodded in response then excused herself from the conversation then followed behind her. "Is everything okay?" She asked worriedly.

"I think Tucker is cheating on Jenna." Emma looked at her with a confused look but Y/n knew she thought she was crazy.

"What makes you think that?"

"I saw him smile and blush at his phone, I know it wasn't Jenna because she was talking to you."

"Y/n, you've been drinking. Do you realize what you're saying? Also, how do you know that it wasn't a picture or edit, or something he saw?" Emma asked curiously. "People post about her all the time so it was only a matter of time before it got to his feed."

"I know what I saw."

"Sure you do. Let's go before they start looking for us." Emma suggested. Y/n sighed then nodded, the two left the bathroom to join the group once again.

"Everything okay?" Jenna asked with a slightly worried tone.

"Yeah, just fine," Y/n replied in a not-so-convincing tone.

Jenna had a worried look on her face but brushed it off when Tucker kissed her cheek. Y/n wanted to warn Jenna but she knew there was no use in doing that. She wouldn't believe her.

The walk home was silent with Emma by her side. She thought about the accusations she made against Jenna's boyfriend and she even started thinking she was crazy.

"You wanna explain what happened back there?" Emma asked, breaking the silence.

"I don't know, but I know what I saw," Y/n spoke defensively. She questioned why she was fighting this, she really had no proof but her instinct.

"I'm sure you do, but don't say anything to Jenna. She's really happy."

"I wasn't going to. I'm not that cruel."

"I know, I'm just saying."

Silence fell among the two once more till they got to Y/n's house. Emma decided to stay with her for the night since it would be easier for her.

When they got to Y/n's room, she set out some pajamas for Emma, then she picked out a set for herself, then went to the bathroom to change.

Once she got out of the bathroom, she searched the house for the extra blankets, since she was letting Emma sleep in her bed, she was gonna sleep on the couch since the guest room wasn't ready yet.

She's been too busy.

After everything was set up, she laid down with the tv on ready to sleep but her mind drifted to what she saw at dinner. She couldn't help but wonder if she was actually going crazy, or just drunk.

It could have been both.

Maybe she was actually wrong about him.

Was she wrong?

brooke speaks!

well this is a long
one which means
possible mistakes
but i'm very proud
of this!

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now