chapter twenty | how you get the girl

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            TODAY WAS THE day of the going away party for Y/n. She woke up that morning feeling excited. This was one role that needed to be celebrated, according to her. The first thing Y/n did that morning is make herself some breakfast, her favorite breakfast to be exact.

After she finished her breakfast, she started cleaning around the house and took tiny breaks to see how far away her friends were.

They were the ones that offered to help her set everything up.

While she continued to clean, she took that time to reflect on all the moments she had while working on the set of the show Wednesday. She thought about all the good and bad, and the friends she made along the way. There was one person that showed up in her thoughts more though, it was Jenna.

She wondered if Jenna would show up today. She was the one Y/n wanted to see the most, although she hoped to see everyone else too. Before she got too distracted, she finished what she was doing, and occasionally checked her phone for texts from her friends and the time. Everything had to be ready by 5 pm, that's when the party started.

Once she finished cleaning, the next thing to think about was the food. "Do I cook or order a pizza?" She asked herself and looked in the direction of the kitchen.

"Order a pizza." She heard someone say after hearing the door open. She turned to see her friends carrying bags of decorations, and snacks. "We know we're late, we stopped for coffee," Cariba explained as they brought everything to the kitchen and put the bags on the table.

"Okay, I'll order that later then."

"I can't believe you're leaving us tomorrow for three months to film the movie Purple Hearts," Maddie spoke as she wiped away a tear.

"It's not that long." Y/n pointed out and they started putting up the decorations. "I'll be back before you guys know it."

Before Cariba helped with the decorations, she had the idea to play some music so they weren't working in silence. Once she picked the playlist she wanted, she hit the shuffle button and the first song to play was Obsessed by Mariah Carey.

It was one song everyone could enjoy.

It was 4:50 pm when Y/n and Phoebe got back to the house with the pizzas. When they got inside, they placed all the food on the table and began to set out all the chips and drinks. The group took look around the house and agreed that everything was perfect.

Now they just had to get the music and wait for the guests. Y/n was glad that Emma volunteered to make a playlist, which took some of the stress off Y/n's plate.

She suddenly remembered that Emma should be showing up soon.

"Well, everything is almost ready," Maddie spoke as she approached her friend.

"I thought we had everything?" Y/n questioned with a panicked tone.

"You do, we just had to pick up a little surprise."

Y/n looked at her suspiciously, she was confused yet terrified by that statement. She wondered what the surprise could be, or was it a person? Now she had to know what the surprise is.

For all she knew, the surprise could be a cake.

Y/n pulled her attention away from Maddie when she heard the door open. When she turned to see who it was, she spotted Emma. "I finally got here." She spoke with a grin. Once she saw Y/n begin to smile, she quickly walked toward her friend and pulled her into a hug.

After Y/n pulled away from the hug, she checked the time to discover that it was 5 pm, party time. People should be showing up soon.

Some of the first people to show up were Gwendoline and Christina. They were quick to pull her into hugs and tell her how proud they were of her.

That was the same pattern with all the guests, but there was no Jenna yet.

Y/n wondered where she was.

Three hours had passed and everyone was having a good time. People were dancing, sitting around in groups, and having conversations, some got food and drinks, and others tried to convince Emma to change the song. However, Y/n kept checking the door, waiting to see if Jenna would eventually walk through the door.

The last Y/n had checked, no one had heard from her. She wondered if Jenna was ever going to show up.

I'm sure she'll show up eventually." Emma spoke as she walked toward her distracted friend.

By the look on Y/n's face, Emma could tell that Y/n was not convinced. If she was in Y/n's position right now, she wouldn't believe it either. "Give her another hour, if she doesn't show up then you can call her," Emma suggested and then she walked off to chat with Hunter and Joy.

Another hour had passed, and still no Jenna. As she pulled out her phone to call her, Phoebe quickly walked over to stop her. "Who are you calling?" Phoebe questioned curiously.

"I'm calling Jenna, she's still not here." Y/n replied honestly. "I did want to see her before I left."

"Okay, you can call her."

After she called Jenna's phone, the first thing she noticed was Cariba and Maddie whispering to each other and glancing in her direction. After a few seconds, the phone started to ring, and she quickly noticed that the sound appeared to be coming from outside but she knew no one was out there. She quickly ended the call and then the sound stopped. That confused her, which cellphone made that noise?

She didn't see Jenna anywhere but she heard her phone. She decided to check where she thought the source of the sound was coming from, the front porch. Once she reached the front door, she opened it to see Jenna.

She finally showed up.

As the two stared at each other, unsure of what to say, Still Into You by Paramore started to play through the speakers. "I didn't think you were going to show up." Y/n spoke honestly.

"I would have been here sooner but I was preparing this huge speech but I couldn't think of what to say," She explained. Y/n shot her a confused look, she didn't know what Jenna was talking about. Jenna soon realized how confused she was.

"What are you talking about?" Y/n asked curiously. "What speech?"

Jenna didn't know how she was going to explain this. There was one thing she did know to say though to help clear it up. At least she hoped it did.

"Kiss me."

Y/n was taken aback by Jenna's request. She knew they were just friends, but now Jenna was telling her to do this. Was this a test or something?

"W-what?" She questioned with a slight stutter. She didn't know what to say. She didn't think she would ever hear those words coming from Jenna.

"Kiss me," Jenna repeated. Y/n did as told, leaving no room for hesitation.

As the two pulled away from the kiss, they looked at each other with smiles on their faces. Everyone around them cheered, and Jenna finally knew what to say.

"Y/n, since you confessed your feeling in that restaurant in New York, I couldn't get that moment out of my head and now I know why," She stated and looked into Y/n's eyes. "That was when I realized I probably felt the same way. I want to be your girlfriend, for real this time."

Y/n was so happy to hear those words but then reality kicked in. She was leaving tomorrow. She knew she couldn't handle the long-distance thing even if it was for just three to four months. "Jenna, I want that more than anything but I'm leaving tomorrow." Y/n spoke as her smile faded.

"I'll go with you then," Jenna suggested.

"Jenna, I can't ask you to do that. With this movie we'll be traveling a lot-" Y/n was quickly cut off by Jenna pulling her in to kiss her again.

When Jenna pulled away, the only thing she could say was "Wherever you are is where I want to be."


brooke speaks!

thank you all for
reading and enjoying
the story! i hope you
enjoyed the ending and
if grammarly failed
me on the most important
chapter i will cry

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