chapter ten | the double date

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            MOST OF THE day was spent downing multiple cups of coffee and panicking about the double date happening later tonight. She never found out why she was panicking this much. This wasn't her first double date.

She had a few in high school.

When Y/n walked into her room with her fifth cup of coffee, she played some music on her laptop and hooked it up to her speaker. As Movies by Conan Gray played through the speakers, Y/n walked toward her closet and grabbed her clothes to take them to the bathroom and take a shower.

Once she was out of the shower and was dressed, she left the bathroom to grab a few things but before she went back to the bathroom, she noticed the song had changed. She quickly skipped the current song and then walked into the bathroom to fix her hair and do whatever else she needed to do.

She looked at herself in the mirror, making sure her outfit was perfect but was interrupted by a text notification. She checked to see that Jenna had sent her the address of the restaurant and a simple "see you soon."

She sent a quick text back then grabbed everything she needed and made her way downstairs to leave.

She got in her car and hooked the aux cord to her phone and played her favorite playlist. As she began the half-hour drive, Hoedown Throwdown from Hannah Montana the Movie over the speakers. Y/n sang along, practically screaming the lyrics happily. "Zig zag 'cross the floor, shuffle in diagonal, when the drum hits hands on your hips, one-footed 180 twist!" She sang loudly. She was sure someone could hear her but she didn't care. This was calming to her.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized she probably panicked for nothing.

That happened a lot more than she cared to admit.

When she got to the restaurant she made her way toward the table once she spotted Jenna and the others. "Finally decided to show up." Jenna greeted her once she sat down next to her.

"Good to see you, Y/n," Tucker spoke with a smile then wrapped an arm around his girlfriend. "This is my girlfriend, Beth."

The two smiled at each other and then she turned her attention to Jenna. "What did I miss?" She questioned.

"Nothing much, we were just getting to catching up."

Y/n nodded slightly then Jenna immediately went back to chatting with her ex as if they were best friends. This was a bad idea. She knew it was going to be but she still agreed.

When she looked at Jenna, she saw how happy she was just talking to him. It just proves to show that if they got back together then she would be over the moon.

That was what Jenna wanted after all.

To be with Tucker.

"So, what are you into, Y/n?" Beth questioned curiously.

"I really like reading. Currently reading a book called The House Across The Lake. It's pretty good so far."

"That's interesting, tell me about it."

Throughout the dinner, Y/n would look over to see Jenna having a great time while it was the opposite for her. How much longer was the plan gonna last?

Time was running out faster than she thought.

Once the dinner was over, they all said goodbye to each other and then Jenna walked Y/n out to her car, not a single word was spoken between them. It was weird, Jenna always said something to say but now she was silent. A little too silent for Y/n's liking.

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now