chapter sixteen | broken deal

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            ONCE Y/N HAD woken up, the feeling of regret and panic started to settle in. She wondered what she said to Jenna, or if she said anything at all for that matter. She had to figure out what happened. She had to know if she embarrassed herself or not.

She got out of bed to the smell of fresh coffee. She thought that her manager went out to get some.

She took a deep breath, then walked out of the room and walked into the kitchen to see Jenna. She was the one that got coffee, and breakfast too apparently. "I thought you might need this," Jenna spoke as she placed everything on the table.

Y/n noticed Jenna's mannerisms and didn't think anything of it. She was calm and smiley, with not a single indication to show otherwise. Y/n took that as a good sign. Maybe she didn't do anything stupid. That's what she thought anyway.

"Where's Olivia?" Y/n asked and then sat down to eat her breakfast. It was McDonald's breakfast. One of the closest locations that are open at the moment.

"She had a meeting."

"If she's at a meeting then how'd you get in?"

"She asked me to stay after I got you back here last night and I borrowed your keycard to get the breakfast." She explained and then pulled out the keycard from her pocket before placing it on the table. Y/n wondered when she snuck in to get the keycard in the first place.

"That sounds about right."

An awkward silence fell between them and they didn't try to continue the conversation. That was Y/n's sign that maybe she did do something after all. She probably said something she shouldn't have. She just didn't know what it was.

She had an idea of what it could be.

After they finished their breakfast, they cleaned up their mess. Once that was done, Jenna collected her things so she could leave. That guilty feeling from this morning had stuck around. She had to know what was making her feel that way.

Since Jenna was about to leave, her window to asking questions was quickly closing.

"I gotta go get dressed. Emma and Georgie want to go exploring and asked me to join." Jenna spoke as she made sure she had everything one more time. Once she was sure she had everything, she walked toward the door. She was in a rush to leave. That was blatantly obvious.

"Wait!" Y/n quickly spoke when Jenna opened the door. Jenna closed the door and then turned to look at her friend. "Can we talk about last night?"

"I don't want to, Y/n."

"It'll be quick I promise."

Jenna didn't even bother to argue, she did have some questions. She followed Y/n to the couch. The two sat down, staring at each other in silence, unsure of what to say. This went on until Jenna finally spoke up to break the silence. "What was that about last night?" She questioned curiously. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Her suspicions were correct.

"I don't know but I didn't want this to happen, yet it did." Y/n replied honestly. "If you think about it, it's your fault."

"How is this my fault?" She asked with a slightly offended tone.

"I mean. think about it. In what world does the fake dating thing work?"

"Okay, I see your point but we knew the deal."

Y/n let out a sigh before she responded. "Just say you don't feel the same, then we can tell everyone it was fake and move on."

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now