chapter twelve | memory lane

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            THERE ARE TWO episodes left to film. It was an exciting yet sad time. The cast was currently sitting around the Weathervane set, talking about past memories from filming up to this point.

So far everyone has brought up every embarrassing moment that Y/n has had so far.

"Remember that time Y/n messed up her lines so bad that she had to walk off-set to compose herself?" Jenna asked then started to laugh which made everyone else laugh but Y/n. A blush crept up on her cheeks, feeling more embarrassed than she did at the time.

"Is it bully Y/n day or something?"

"Yeah actually, it is," Emma replied and opened the calendar app on her phone and showed her the screen.

Y/n shot her a mean look and then pulled out her phone to play a game. Everyone chuckled at Y/n's actions and then went on to tell more embarrassing stories. Most people seemed to target Gwendoline and Jenna now, a few of the stories even made Y/n laugh.

She laughed more at the fact that she wasn't being targeted anymore.

After about ten minutes of telling stories and laughing, they had to be put on hold since a few of them were called to film a few scenes. The remaining cast members, excluding Y/n, were discussing the different lunch options and if they wanted to go as a group or not.

"What do you think, Y/n?" Jenna questioned then everyone turned their attention toward her.

Y/n looked up and hummed with confusion till she caught on to what they were talking about. "Oh uh, whatever you decide is okay with me." She responded with a slight grin.

"That's not very helpful."

"When have I ever been helpful?"

"Good point, you're not," Jenna said sarcastically.

Y/n rolled her eyes then stood up and left, making her way back to her trailer.

Once lunch rolled around, Y/n knew the group had made their decision when they stopped by to get her and they walked to a nearby restaurant together. Most of the cast made conversation with others, and everyone else kept quiet.

Jenna and Y/n however, were walking together, hand in hand. They had to keep the perfect couple image going. The plan was still in full effect after all. Every now and then Y/n would glance over at Jenna and eventually she got caught.

"Everything okay?" Jenna questioned quietly and looked over at her fake girlfriend.

"Yeah, I was just admiring how beautiful you look." She admitted.

Jenna smiled at the compliment, but Y/n couldn't help but notice the slight pink tint on Jenna's cheeks. Was that a blush? "You just love flirting don't you?" Jenna asked.

"Was this not the first time I've even tried?"

"No, there was that one time a few weeks ago." She spoke, remembering the moment like it was yesterday. "You made that comment about my eyes."

"Oh yeah, I remember that now."

The two fell into a comfortable silence as they finished the walk to the restaurant. To say they were hungry was an understatement.

After about ten minutes they had gotten to their location and got seated. They were split up between a few tables but everyone made sure that Jenna and Y/n sat together. They were all clearly super supportive of their relationship.

Y/n and Jenna were at a table with Christina and Emma, two of Y/n's closest friends although she was lying to one of them. We're gonna be right back." Jenna spoke and then kissed Y/n's cheek and then she and Emma got up and walked toward the bathroom.

Y/n smiled to herself and once they were gone her smile quickly faded. "I see you've been taking my advice. How's that going?" Christina asked curiously.

"Well, I think I saw her blush earlier." She replied with a proud grin.

"That's great. I hope this works out for you."

Once the two had nothing else to say, Jenna and Emma returned and their drinks were delivered to the table. They told the waitress their orders and once she was gone the four of them talked about different moments on set and their favorite moments.

The entire time Y/n had a smile on her face and laughed at some of the memories being mentioned.

After lunch and filming a few more scenes, the cast was allowed to leave. When Y/n was making the walk back to her car, the first thing she noticed was the night sky and the slight breeze. As she got closer to the vehicle, she then noticed Jenna waiting for her. "I had a question." She spoke once Y/n approached her.

"Alright, what's up?" There was a slight tone of fear in Y/n's voice. She knew this could end in many ways.

The last time something like this happened she ended up in a fake relationship to make an ex jealous and ended up forming feelings for the person she was helping.

That worked out great.

"Would you wanna come over for a while?"

"Aren't you tired?"

"Not really, you can say no. I can always get a ride home from Emma."

Y/n acted like she was thinking then she nodded with a grin. Jenna returned the smile and then got in the car. "Wanna play some music?" Y/n questioned and then began the drive to Jenna's house. After a few seconds of Jenna searching for a song, she finally settled for Conversations by Juice WRLD.

Y/n playfully rolled her eyes then the two sang along to the music.

It was the simple stuff like this that Y/n found fun.

This was kinda like her thing with Jenna. A thing they could enjoy together.

Once they got to Jenna's house, they went inside and Jenna went to the kitchen to get them some drinks. "So we've been through a lot in the past seven months, which one of our memories is your favorite so far?" Jenna asked curiously.

"The one where I ask you out but it hasn't happened yet." Y/n whispered to herself.

"What was that?"

"I just said when we went on our first fake date."

Jenna smiled at the comment and then she sat next to her friend, placing two glasses of water on the coffee table. "That was a fun time." She agreed. Y/n could tell that it wasn't the same moment she was thinking of.

That's what sparked Y/n's interest.

"What about you?" Y/n asked, returning the question from a few moments ago.

"I would say our kiss from the party."

Y/n smiled almost immediately once she heard Jenna's response. What did it mean? Did she like Y/n too?

Those were the questions that stayed in Y/n's mind.

As the night went on, the two continued to talk about the moments they'd had together in the fake relationship. Most caused smiles and laughs while others caused some tears. They liked looking back at the memories though.

After the show that might be the last time they see each other.

brooke speaks!

i hope you enjoyed
and this is totally
going in a different
direction than i thought
it would but it works!
please ignore any
mistakes there might
be. :)

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now