chapter seven | first fake kiss

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            THE MOST SURPRISING thing that could possibly happen finally happened. Jenna heard from Tucker. It was a small text conversation, an awkward one at that. Probably more awkward than Y/n felt at the dinner that caused this whole mess.

That wasn't important right now though.

Rock music blared from Y/n's trailer. She danced along to the music with Georgie and Hunter. They even sang along to most of the songs, like the one playing now for example. "And now you steal away!" The three sang along loudly, not realizing that Emma and Jenna walked in and recorded the dance party.

Once the music was over laughter could be heard from the girls. "How much of that did you see?" Hunter asked with an embarrassed tone as he turned around to see them.

"Enough to get a video," Emma replied as she laughed.

Georgie and Hunter had embarrassed looks on their faces. "Are you not embarrassed here?" Georgie asked as he looked over at Y/n.

"I have no shame." She replied honestly with a shrug. "This is what most of my Instagram is. Florence Pugh has her cooking thing, Elizabeth Olsen had her gardening thing, and I have dancing like an idiot. Although it's new cause I stole it from Emma."

"I knew it!" Emma announced.

"Fair enough."

Y/n looked over at Jenna with a smile once she noticed Jenna walking closer to her. "Hey, you." She spoke and wrapped an arm around her.

"Hello to you too," Jenna replied then kissed Y/n's cheek.

"Oh my god, get a room," Georgie spoke, pretending to be disgusted.

"Okay," Jenna replied then grabbed Y/n's hand and dragged her to the small room that had a bed and tv and closed the door behind them. "So, I've been thinking. We should have a date night in a few days. We won't be busy and the public hasn't seen us in a while."

"Sure, should I dress casually, or get dressed up?"

"Dress up."

"Okay great, I got to look for nice clothes."

Jenna smiled innocently then they were interrupted by a knock. "Hey lovebirds, you might wanna wrap it up in there. We have filming to do." Hunter joked.

The two left the small room with smiles on their faces then they all left to film.

When one of the friend group's many breaks rolled around, they sat outside discussing their next group hangout. They argued between a restaurant and a game night.

"Why don't we just have a party tonight?" Joy suggested. "We could all have something to be in charge of like Y/n could make the playlist."

"That's true, plus Y/n had the best music taste compared to all of us." Naomi agreed.

"I do not."

"You're right honey, you don't. I do." Jenna teased.

Y/n looked at Jenna with a death glare which caused everyone to laugh. "Woah, honey? When did that happen?" Naomi asked.

"A little over a month ago, but we found out a few days ago," Emma answered.

"Yeah, where have you been?" Georgie asked.

"Living under a rock apparently." There was a slightly offended tone in Naomi's voice. She was the last to make the discovery.

Not that shocking.

"So we all agree on the party?" Joy asked and looked around at everyone.

Everyone gave an answer but Y/n, just awkwardly smiled. "Great, I'll text you all your jobs soon!" She spoke then stood up and walked away. Eventually, everyone else left leaving Jenna and Y/n alone.

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