chapter eleven | movie night

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TODAY WAS THE first day of filming for episode six. Y/n was excited to film but the night before she spent reading the script to prepare for today and the next however long. Currently, Y/n is asleep on the couch in her trailer. She needed the nap.

No amount of energy drinks or coffee will be any help to her.

Little to her knowledge though, Jenna and Hunter were looking for her. They've checked everywhere from the snack table to Emma's trailer. Eventually, they checked her own trailer. The two quietly walked in and looked around, soon seeing their friend peacefully asleep. "Why does she look cute when she's asleep?" Hunter questioned as if he was jealous.

"Let's do the math here, she's cute and you're not." Jenna joked with a grin.

"That's just rude." He let out an offended tone which made Jenna chuckle to herself then walked closer to the sleeping girl. She thought of how she would wake her up and then got the best idea.

"Netflix just announced a fourth Fear Street," Jenna whispered into Y/n's ear.

Once she fully processed what was said to her, she quickly shot up and looked over at Jenna with hope in her eyes and asked "Are you being serious right now?"

"Sorry to bust your bubble, but no, I'm not serious."

"You knew I was awake all night and yet you woke me up in the cruelest way possible. You're so evil for that."

Hunter and Jenna couldn't help but laugh. Y/n shot them both a death glare before she laid back down to try to go back to sleep. "You seriously gotta get up. We have filming to do." Jenna spoke once they calmed down.

Y/n groaned in response as she finally got up and walked into her bathroom to change into what she had to wear for the scene. Once she got out of the bathroom, Jenna and Hunter were gone. They were already making their way to the woods set.

"I'll just catch up on sleep later," Y/n spoke to herself and sighed.

It was going to be a long day.

Once one of the cast's many breaks rolled around, Y/n took the chance to attempt sleeping once again. She laid down and was about to fall asleep, it was ruined once again by someone walking in without knocking. She groaned as she sat up to see Jenna and Emma. "Not a good time I take it?" Jenna questioned with a slight grin.

"It's a super great time." Sarcasm was noticeable in Y/n's voice but Emma didn't seem to notice or she simply didn't care.

Emma said a simple "Great." with a smile then walked toward the couch and sat next to the slightly annoyed girl.

"What can I do for you both?" Y/n asked but soon regretted it once she got an answer.

"We were wondering if you would like to have a movie night with us and everyone else," Jenna answered with a tone of hope. She desperately wanted to say no but she didn't have the heart to do it.

"Fine." Jenna smiled at the response. "Where would this be happening?"

Emma finally chimed in long enough to say "Your house."

It was at that point she regretted her decision. She wanted to sleep but again she couldn't say no to her friends. She thought of an answer for a second till she nodded and watched as her friends quickly got excited and ran out of the trailer to spread the word.

Y/n sighed to herself then laid back down to try to get some sleep.

Once Y/n had got home, she spent a few hours making sure there was enough room for everyone, and that the house was clean. She had set out everything they needed and set it out on the coffee table, but kept the food on the kitchen table. She hoped she set out enough food for everyone.

The next couple of hours were spent waiting for everyone to show up. So far the only one who did show up was Christina. "How's the fake relationship going?" She questioned as she walked into the house and closed the door behind her.

"Oh you know, the usual," Y/n replied sarcastically.

"Have you told her yet?"


Christina nodded in an understanding manner and then went to take her seat. As time slowly passed more people began to show up, the last one being Jenna. "Funny that this was your idea and you're late," Y/n spoke as she approached Jenna with a grin.

Jenna sarcastically returned the smile as she said "At least I'm here."

"Good point, you can go sit and I'll get you a drink."

Y/n made her way to the kitchen to grab a drink for Jenna and herself and once she was making her way back to the group, she turned around to see Emma. "Can I help you?" Y/n questioned.

"How's the relationship with Jenna going?"

"It's going great, she's great." Y/n smiled at the thought of Jenna, Emma didn't let that go unnoticed. Emma smiled teasingly at her then walked off, going back to her seat.

Y/n just sighed to herself and then carried both drinks to the living room, soon taking her seat next to Jenna. "Here you go," Y/n spoke softly as she handed her the cup.

"Thank you," Jenna spoke with a smile then Gwendoline pressed play on the movie.

The movie of choice was Free Guy.

When the movie started everyone suddenly went silent and turned their attention to the tv. Y/n just hoped that she didn't fall asleep in the middle of the movie.

With 50 minutes left in the movie, Y/n's eyes began to feel heavy because of how tired she was. Pulling an all-nighter seemed like a good idea at the time but now she regretted it.

She regretted it a lot.

"Okay guys, I'm going to bed." Y/n spoke as she stood from her spot between Jenna and Emma.

Everyone booed as she made her way to the stairs. "I know, I'm a party pooper. I trust you all to clean up and lock up when you're finished." She added and then went upstairs to her room. Once she got in her room and closed the door, she laid on the bed and let out a relaxed sigh.

As she was just getting comfortable her bedroom door opened. "You have got to be kidding me?!" She complained and sat up to see Jenna leaning against the doorway. "What do you need Jenna?"

"I don't need anything, I was seeing if you need anything."

Y/n appreciated how nice she was being but this was the third time her attempt at sleep had been interrupted. Was sleep too much to ask for? According to recent events, it might be. "The only thing I need right now is sleep." She replied and laid back down.

"Okay then, goodnight," Jenna spoke softly then approached the girl long enough to kiss her cheek then made her way downstairs to join everyone else.

Y/n fell asleep with a smile on her face that night. That was also one of the best periods of sleep she had in a while.

She definitely needed it.

brooke speaks!

i'm so excited for
you all to see where
this story goes 🤭

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now