chapter fifteen | liquid courage

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MOST OF THE day was spent trying to figure out what Jenna was planning, and waiting for Christina to call. Mainly the Jenna thing though, her curiosity was killing her. For all she knew, Jenna could have forgotten all about it.

It wouldn't be the first time she forgot something she wanted to do.

While she was trying to think of all the possible things Jenna could have planned, she was accompanied by a bowl of popcorn and google maps. She was looking at all the potential areas Jenna would want to visit. Eventually, she gave up on trying to figure it out and decided to let it be a surprise like it was supposed to be in the first place.

A few seconds later, Y/n quickly answered her phone when she heard it start ringing. She was quickly disappointed once she heard Phoebe's voice. "Hey, just checking in. How's New York?" Phoebe asked excitedly.

"It's great, currently waiting to hear from Jenna or Christina." She replied. "Whoever calls first really."

"I see how it is, not wanting to hear from us." She heard her other friend say in the background. Y/n sighed to herself and then she heard a knock on the door. "Do you just not love us anymore?" She asked more clearly now since she had taken the phone from Phoebe.

"That's not what I meant," Y/n explained as she walked toward the door and opened it to see a smiley Jenna. Y/n motioned for her to come in and then walked toward the bedroom door, soon closing it behind her after she walked in.

"Right, okay." It was clear that she was unconvinced but she eventually brushed it off and changed the subject. "Have you told Jenna yet?"

"Why does that matter?" Y/n replied. "You know, it would be nice to get one question that isn't about my love life."

"But we love asking questions about it."

"Okay fine. To answer your question, no I haven't told Jenna."

Y/n spent the next few minutes explaining how she was gonna tell Jenna about her feelings. Little did she know that Jenna had caught bits and pieces of what Y/n was saying.

She wasn't sure what to say.

All she knew was that she wasn't going to say anything to Y/n, she had to figure out how she felt. Did she want her ex back? Was it something she wanted?

She thought she knew what she wanted, but now? Not so much.

The first location on Jenna's list was a park, it was about 15 minutes away from the hotel. From what Y/n knew, Jenna wanted some pictures for her Instagram. She always had something to post. Now that Y/n thought about it, she had to send everyone the pictures and videos she had gotten from the set.

She thought they would like to have them.

"Jenna, can I ask you a question?" Y/n asked curiously. She suddenly had the courage she needed.

Jenna nodded with hope and fear in her eyes and motioned for her to continue. She was interested in what Y/n had to say. She hoped it was what she heard her talk about earlier, she thought it would help her figure out her feelings about what she heard. "Do you want the pictures and videos I got from the set? I know you were busy and weren't able to get any." The second Jenna heard those words, her mood shifted a little but not enough for anyone to notice it.

She was slightly disappointed.

"Yeah actually, that'd be great." She replied with a grin to help hide the mood change better. "Did those pictures turn out okay?"

"They're great, I'd make a great photographer."

"I could believe that." She spoke as she walked over and looked at the photos. Y/n smiled to herself and then handed Jenna her phone back. "We should go on a walk and look for somewhere to visit."

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now