chapter six | secret discovered

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            WEEKS HAVE PASSED since Jenna and Y/n were spotted out together. The news has spread like wildfire, exactly like Jenna wanted. She still hasn't heard from Tucker though, which meant the plan wasn't over yet. Still so far from the single life.

Y/n and Jenna were sitting around in her trailer, reading different articles that have been published since they've been seen together. A few of them made the two laugh between the titles and the actual articles themselves. "Have you seen this one yet?" Jenna asked as she showed Y/n her phone screen.

Y/n looked up from her phone to look at Jenna's. "No, but send it to me. I'll read it later." She replied then they looked toward the door when they heard it open.

"Hey guys, I'm just gonna join you two without asking," Emma spoke as she closed the door once she walked in. She walked toward them and then sat between them. "What are you two up to?"

"We were just showing each other some TikToks." Y/n lied but thankfully to her luck, Emma didn't notice it.

"You never watch the videos I send you," Emma complained and looked over at Y/n with a hurt expression.


Emma stuck her middle finger up at her and then began scrolling through her phone. Jenna and Y/n shrugged at each other and then sat there in silence on their phones.

"Oh, we gotta go. Feel free to stay here though," Jenna spoke then signaled for Y/n to go with her. Y/n looked at her with a confused look but Jenna signaled for her to follow her lead.

"Oh yeah, we'll see you later," Y/n spoke then the two left. Once they were far enough that Emma couldn't see them Y/n looked at Jenna. "What was that about?"

"I just wanna point out that it's shocking that no one has said anything to us yet."

"Have you thought about the fact that maybe they don't read that stuff?"

"Well yeah."

"Good, great even."

"Jenna, let's go. Tim is looking for us." Hunter spoke as he hurried to the set for the coffee shop. The two watched as he ran by then looked at each other once again.

"I'll see you later?" Jenna questioned.

"Maybe, we'll see," Y/n replied.

"I was going to hug you but not anymore." She said with a slightly hurt tone then went to catch up with Hunter.

Y/n just rolled her eyes and then made her way back to the trailer to keep Emma company. "They just needed Jenna, it was a false alarm," Y/n explained once she walked in and sat next to Emma on the couch.

"That makes sense I guess," Emma replied with a shrug.

Y/n, Jenna, Emma, and Georgie were having lunch in Y/n's trailer. Y/n and Jenna were sitting on the couch while Emma and Georgie were on the floor. As Emma ate her food, she scrolled through her phone. The second Y/n looked up from her her phone, she saw a surprised look on her face.

Y/n quickly looked at Jenna and whispered "Code red, I repeat, code red." There was fear in her voice. She didn't know what to do.

The two watched as Emma quickly showed Georgie her screen. Maybe it wasn't what they thought it was.

"Holy shit, you guys are dating?!" Georgie questioned with shock in his voice then quickly looked up at Y/n and Jenna. "For how long?!"

Y/n started doing the math in her head. "About a month." She replied then looked at Jenna for confirmation.

"Were you just not gonna tell us?" Emma questioned.

"No offense, but yeah. We were gonna keep it private but that's not an option for us anymore."

"No babe, it's not," Jenna spoke and patted Y/n's back.

"This is the cutest thing ever!" Emma spoke excitedly.

Y/n awkwardly smiled and then stood up. "I think I heard Tim yelling for me, I gotta go." Y/n quickly kissed Jenna's cheek then she was gone.

"Was it something we said?" Georgie asked worriedly.

"I don't think so," Jenna reassured the best she could. She wasn't sure who she was trying to convince anymore.

"Great," Emma added with a grin then took a bite of her food.

After work, Y/n sat at home with a cup of hot chocolate and a tv show. The show of choice for that night was Modern Family. She got a few episodes in before she started feeling tired.

She placed the cup on the coffee table and began to drift off but she was quickly pulled out of the sleepy state by a knock on the door. "Who could be knocking on my door at this hour?"

She stood up from the couch and then sighed as she walked toward the door then opened it to see Jenna standing there with a box of donuts in her hand. "You look like shit."

"Nice to see you too, although we just saw each other at work a few hours ago," Y/n replied and let her in.

"I wasn't interrupting anything like sleep was I?"

"Honestly yes, but it's fine."

"Great, I got your favorites." Jenna placed the box on the table next to the cup of hot cocoa and then sat on the couch. "Oh no, the hot cocoa is out. You were trying to fall asleep quickly."

"Maybe just a little." Y/n sat next to her and took a donut from the box then took a bite.

"Should I leave then?"

"No, it's okay."

Jenna smiled then picked up a donut and then looked up at the screen. "Modern Family, good choice."

"Glad I got your approval."

"Well, unpause it." She spoke then took another bite of the donut.

Y/n unpaused the show and then looked over at Jenna. "Demanding much?" She asked jokingly.

Jenna looked at her with a smile then she turned her attention back to the tv screen.

Although the plan of sleeping didn't work out, Jenna and Y/n spent the whole night laughing and crying with each episode that passed. It was fun so Y/n was okay with losing sleep for one night.

The donuts made it all worth it.

Seeing Jenna was worth it too, but mainly the donuts.

brooke speaks!

okay so it's kinda short
but it's also kinda a
filler chapter. i hope it's
good anyway and i hope
there's no mistakes :)

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now