chapter fourteen | premiere day

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            Y/N HAD WOKEN up to the sound of her alarm and then looked around her New York hotel room smiling after snoozing the alarm. The cast had finished filming the show a few weeks ago, and now they were out doing interviews and going to premieres for the show. One of the first steps for that was New York City. This worked out for Y/n because of what she had planned for afterward. The only people that knew about this plan were Phoebe and Cariba.

They're the ones that helped her with this.

The sound of Y/n's door opening pulled her out of her thoughts and then she looked to see it was her manager, Olivia.

"Y/n, you should go ahead and get dressed." She spoke with a calm tone.

Y/n was confused since she thought it was 11 am. She checked the time to see it was 5 pm instead. How long did she sleep? "Alright, thanks!" She spoke panicked and quickly got out of bed almost falling on her face.

Olivia chuckled to herself and then sent in a wardrobe and hair and makeup team.

After Y/n was dressed, she walked out of her room to see her manager waiting around in the living area. "You look great, I'm sure Jenna will love it." Olivia teased with a wink and then opened the door for her. "Let's go, we have to get Jenna and go."

Y/n was caught off guard by her manager's comment. What did she mean by that? She escaped her thoughts and made her way toward Jenna's hotel room, her manager following behind her. "Now I have to ask, have you and Jenna's manager been talking again?" Y/n questioned curiously.

"That's none of your business." She replied with a nervous tone.

That was the only confirmation she needed.

When they reached Jenna's room, Y/n was the one to knock on the door. They waited a little bit before she knocked again. "Jenna, we gotta go." Y/n spoke just loud enough for her to hopefully hear and then she knocked again.

Once the door finally opened, she was greeted by Jenna, she was wearing a black dress that matched Wednesday's style. She then realized what her manager meant. She made sure that the two had matched. Classic Olivia. Y/n should have known this was something she'd do. "You look amazing, Jenna," Y/n commented with a grin.

"Thank you, you look amazing too." She spoke and returned the compliment.

"Well, should we get going?"

Jenna nodded with a smile and then grabbed her hand. The two walked together hand in hand, their managers followed behind them as they had a conversation amongst themselves. They made their way to the elevator and stepped in once it opened.

The elevator ride was silent, with not a single word, not even a sound from the elevator. That was until Y/n noticed what they forgot. "Sorry guys." She spoke and then began to laugh after she hit the button to go to the lobby.

"You're such an idiot." Jenna joked.

Once they arrived at the premiere, Y/n and Jenna were greeted by screaming fans, and bright camera flashes. The last time she was in a setting like this was when season four of Cobra Kai was released.

A lot of people showed up to that premiere.

The first thing Jenna said as the two walked down the carpet was "I didn't think this many people would show up."

"I didn't either." Y/n agreed and then walked toward a group of fans that was calling her name. She took a few moments to take pictures, sign posters, and even answered a few questions.

After she met as many fans as she could, she waved goodbye to them and then made her way back to Jenna. "Everyone else just got here." Jenna pointed out as the two began posing for pictures, some alone and others together.

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