chapter three | the truth revealed

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Y/N WOKE UP to her alarm on her phone and a pounding headache. She sat up with a groan and as if on cue, Emma walked in with a cup of coffee. Y/n was never so happy to see a cup of coffee in her life as she was just then.

"I thought you might need this." She spoke quietly as she handed her friend the cup.

Y/n just smiled and then took a sip of her drink before placing the cup on the coffee table. "Did I do or say anything stupid last night?" Y/n asked curiously with a hint of worry in her tone.

"Not really, you kinda just asked me to go with you to the bathroom to tell me you thought that Tucker was cheating on Jenna."

Many questions ran through her head. Did she say anything to Jenna? How drunk was she? "Don't worry, you didn't say anything to Jenna," Emma reassured.

Y/n let out a sigh of relief then grabbed her cup and went up to her room to get dressed for work.

After she put on a fresh pair of clothes and felt more alive, she made her way downstairs to see Emma ready to go. "I see you're excited to go." Y/n joked.

Emma playfully rolled her eyes and then the two got in Y/n's car and went to the set.

Along the way, Y/n asked questions to get the whole story of the night before.

The more she thought about it, she realized how crazy she sounded. She was glad she didn't accidentally say anything to Jenna.

It would not have ended well.

The two got to set to see Jenna and Gwendoline laughing about something. One of them probably messed up their lines.

"Let me guess, Jenna messed up her lines," Y/n spoke as she approached the two. Gwendoline nodded as she calmed down from her laughing fit. "Makes sense."

"Are you guys just getting here?" Jenna asked curiously.

"Yeah, we kinda had a long night," Emma responded honestly. Y/n nodded in agreement.

"Well go get dressed, Tim was looking for you guys a few minutes ago."

Y/n and Emma looked at each other with panicked faces then quickly ran to their trailers to get dressed into their Nevermore uniforms, then go to the hair and make-up department.

Y/n had scenes to shoot with Emma and Jenna today, she was super excited.

Once she joined the group, she told Emma that it was her turn for hair and make-up. They decided last minute to go one at a time. Emma walked away with a smile, leaving the three of them alone. "What scenes are we filming today? I kinda forgot."

"Uhm, the dance I think. Are you ready to get jealous and then attacked?" Jenna asked and nudged Y/n's arm jokingly.

"Hell yeah, so ready." Y/n laughed nervously with a hint of sarcasm.

"Come on, act more excited than that." Gwendoline joked.

Y/n just smiled and walked away. "Where do you think you're going?" Jenna questioned. When she got no answer, she and Gwendoline chased after her.

Emma eventually made her way back to where the group once was before they chased after Y/n. "Guys? Where'd you go?" There was fear in Emma's voice as she was left alone.

"How rude." She went on the search to find everyone else that left her behind.

It was nearing the end of their break, and Y/n went looking for her friends and went to check Jenna's trailer. As she approached the trailer, she saw Emma outside, she was pacing back and forth with a worried look on her face.

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now