chapter five | new couple spotted

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THE NIGHT BEFORE was a success in Y/n's eyes. Her way of celebrating was lying in bed, reading a book. As she was going to bed last night, she found the stack of books she bought months ago but never got around to reading them. She also found a few Unsolved Case File games, which have yet to be solved.

This gave her ideas for hangouts, or party games, whichever came first.

As she felt her attention disappear, she checked the time to see it read 9:30 am. She's been awake since 4:15 am.

She started getting out of bed when she smelled the scent of blueberry pancakes.

Jenna was awake.

As she made her way to the kitchen with her book in her hand, the smell got more robust and she loved the smell. "Of course, it took pancakes to get you out of bed," Jenna spoke as she heard Y/n's footsteps.

"Since when did you know how to cook?" Y/n asked jokingly as she sat at the table, and placed her book down to the side.

"You had bad salsa one time," Jenna spoke with a defensive tone and then placed the plate of food in front of Y/n on the table.

"Jenna, honey, I'm just kidding."

Jenna just mouthed an "oh" and then sat down after grabbing her plate. "So, how long do you think we would have to do this?" Y/n asked curiously then took a bite of the pancake. "This is really good by the way."

"Not sure, a few months at the least. Oh and thanks." She replied with a smile because of the compliment. "No need to worry, you'll get back to enjoying your single life again soon."

"Thank god, I miss it."

"Now, I'm not that bad," Jenna argued then chuckled.

"I never said you were," Y/n spoke then chuckled with her.

They spent the rest of breakfast goofing around while they ate, and having the most sarcastic conversations. They even cleaned the dishes together after clearing their plates.

Off to a good start.

"Are we going out today?" Y/n asked as she walked out of the bathroom.

"We could if you want. I posted on Instagram by the way, just in case you wanna see it. You should probably post something too, whenever you can obviously."

"I have your post notifications on so I know. I'll find something to post while we're out. I need to go to the store and my friends might go with us." Y/n mentioned then walked toward the door and pulled on her shoes.

"Okay but before we pick up your friends, I'm gonna need you to take me home so I can get dressed into better clothes."

Y/n nodded in response and then the two went out to the car once Jenna was ready. The drive to Jenna's house was full of conversations and laughter , they talked about upcoming scenes they had to film soon and anything else they could think of. At dome point they even turned on music, the first song to play was Kiwi by Harry Styles. They listen to almost every song that played till they got to Jenna's house.

"I'll be right back." Jenna spoke then she got out of the car and walked inside her house, leaving Y/n alone.

After a minute of waiting, Y/n heard her ringtone and checked to see it was a text from the group chat Y/n has with her friends.

Y/n - jenna's fake gf 🤍
Phoebe - mermaid 1 🧜‍♀️
Cariba - mermaid 2🧜‍♀️


mermaid 1 🧜‍♀️:
yo y/n, you never
told us what you decided

mermaid 2 🧜‍♀️:
@y/n gray
tell us already

mermaid 1 🧜‍♀️:
we know your
reading out texts

y/n gray:
i told her i would
help her

mermaid 1 🧜‍♀️:


jenna's fake gf 🤍:
i hate you both so much

jenna's fake gf 🤍:
i gotta go, jenna's walking over.
be ready to leave when we get

"Who was that?" Jenna asked as she got back in the car and put on her seat belt.

"It was just Cariba and Phoebe asking where we were."

"Right, well let's go." She spoke then played music as Y/n drove to Phoebe's house first. With Bloody Mary by Lady Gaga playing, Phoebe got in the car then they went to Cariba's house. "Phoebe, I have a question for you." Y/n spoke then glanced over at Jenna with a smile.

"What's up?"

"So we have a no kissing rule in our contract, is a kiss on the cheek breaking the rule?"

Phoebe thought about it for a moment since she's never been asked this question before. "Well, I wouldn't think so." She spoke till she realized what she said. "Wait, if that's one of the rules then why did you even agree to this?"

"That's what I said!" Jenna replied.

"That's not important, but there you go. That's your answer." Y/n said to Jenna then they arrived at Cariba's house. After a few minutes, she finally joined everyone in the car then Y/n drove toward the store. She had some things to get.

They've walked around the store for a few hours now, Y/n had her arm wrapped around Jenna, and Jenna had her hand in Y/n's back pocket.

The two heard as a few cameras took pictures of them. The plan was working already. This might end quicker than expected. Y/n leaned down to Jenna's ear and whispered "The plan is working already."

"I know, this might be over sooner than we thought." She whispered back with a smile then kissed her cheek. They walked around a little more till Y/n had gotten everything she needed. After they checked out, they walked out to the car then got in once they got everything in the trunk.

"You know, if I didn't know this was fake, I would have believed you guys were actually dating." Cariba spoke honestly.

"Just shows how great you guys are at your jobs." Phoebe added.

Y/n and Jenna smiled at each other then began the drive to her friends houses. They had stuff to do tomorrow. Something about work.

After they dropped Phoebe off the last location was Jenna's house. "So, I'll see you at work tomorrow?" Jenna asked as Y/n parked the car in front of her house.

"Yep, see you tomorrow." Y/n responded then she started the drive home once Jenna walked inside her house.

With another successful day in the books, she put everything she bought in the guest room then went to her room to relax before bed.

This was probably one of her best acting jobs yet.

brooke speaks!

i finally got it finished!
well, i hope it turns out
well and i hope you
enjoyed the chapter!
there might be mistakes
but oh well

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now