chapter four | jenna's big plan

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            MOST OF THE day was spent watching movies and having the occasional dance party with Jenna. Of course, all that was between conference calls and looking over different scripts for roles her manager told her about.

Once the last conference call was over, Jenna and Y/n sat down on the couch in complete silence before Y/n decided to speak up.

"So, you doing okay after yesterday?"

Jenna shrugged in an unsure manner before admitting she wasn't. "I should have expected that." Jenna chuckled at the comment with a nod.

"I know what he did but I still miss him. I love him." Jenna admitted with a now sad tone.

Y/n then realized she shouldn't have mentioned it, she was quick to apologize but Jenna reassured her that she wasn't upset that she asked. "Do you ever miss your ex?" Jenna asked, laying back, resting her head on Y/n's lap, and looking up at her.

"No, not really. The single life has treated me well so far." She let out a chuckle and looked down at Jenna.

"I guess that's one way to think about it."

Y/n just nodded, then turned on the TV, selected a streaming service, and began looking for something to watch. "Do you want to watch season two of You, or The Babysitter Killer Queen?" Y/n asked jokingly.

"Oh god, anything but those please!" Jenna replied with a joking yet embarrassed tone and covered her face with her hands.

"The Babysitter it is." When in reality she selected Stranger Things. Jenna's favorite show.

Jenna uncovered her face, looked at the screen, and looked at Y/n. "I hate you so much." She laughed and sat up long enough to hit Y/n on the arm then rested her head back on her lap and watched the show.

"I love you too, " Y/n replied and watched the show quietly.

After a few hours, Jenna was packing up her stuff to get ready to leave. She had work in the morning, as well as Y/n. "You know, I had fun today," Jenna spoke with a smile.

"Me too. It's always fun having you around." Y/n replied and returned the smile then followed Jenna to the door and opened it for her.

As she was about to walk out the door, she quickly turned back around causing Y/n to look at her in a confused manner. "Did you forget something?"

"Kinda, I forgot to ask you something."

"Well, you know you can ask me anything...I think." There was a hint of fear in Y/n's voice. The last time someone said something like that it didn't end well.

"I wanted to make Tucker jealous in hopes he would possibly take me back, and I was wondering if you would help me?"

Y/n didn't know how to react to that, her jaw was practically on the floor from the shock.

"We'd be just friends and there'd be no strings attached. We would just have to be seen in public together more and we post about each other. We don't even have to kiss." Jenna explained in hopes that it would help calm Y/n down.

"Uh, can I think about it?" Y/n questioned with a slight stutter and worried tone.

"Yeah, of course. Take as long as you need." Jenna replied then pulled her into a quick hug then she left. Once Y/n closed the door, she quickly texted Phoebe and Cariba asking them to come over.

"She just asked you? Just like that? Twenty-four hours after they broke up?" Phoebe questioned as she tried piecing together the whole story in her head. "Does that not seem kinda, I don't know...desperate?"

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now