chapter nine | someone knows

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IT WAS QUIETER on set than usual which worked out well for Y/n. With the peace, she had space to think about past events. Between people constantly coming over and her being out all the time, she never had room to think.

Y/n spent most of her morning in her trailer as she waited to film her scenes with Gwendoline and Christina Ricci.

Currently, she was sitting around and drawing an outside scenery with a sunset as she thought back to everything that got her to this moment.

The one thing her mind went back to often was her kiss with Jenna. Of all the moments to think of her brain went straight to that one. She liked Jenna but she still wasn't sure in what way, platonically or romantically.

She had to tell Jenna eventually but she knew what the outcome would be.

Her comfortable silence was interrupted by her trailer door opening, and Christina walking in. "What are you doing in here with all the quiet?" She questioned curiously.

"Just thinking about stuff," Y/n replied then set down her notepad and pencil.

"Yeah, I can see that."

"Let me guess, it's that time already?"

Christina gave a confirming nod then Y/n stood up from her spot with a sigh and followed behind her co-star. As the two walked around the set, Y/n looked around to see that Jenna was nowhere to be found, and Emma wasn't around either. Most of her friends weren't around.

"Where is everyone?" Y/n asked curiously.

"Probably enjoying their days off." She replied as they walked onto the set of Weems' office.

"When do we get one?"

"Ours start tomorrow," Gwendoline spoke as she joined the two. "A few days to relax is exactly what I need right now."

"Okay ladies, let's get some scenes done." One of the crew members spoke then they all went to their spots to start their scenes.

Once the scene was over they were free to go back to their trailers. Y/n and Christina walked back to their trailers together not saying a word but Christina glanced over at Y/n a few times like she knew something. Y/n caught her a few times but brushed it off till she caught her for the fifth time.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" Y/n questioned curiously. When she got no answer she glanced over at Christina with a look that told her that she was expecting an answer.

"When I stopped by to get you and you said you were thinking, what exactly were you thinking about?" She replied then the two stopped in their tracks and looks at each other. Y/n wanted to talk about her feelings so badly, but she couldn't. The rules kept her from doing that.

She already broke one, so what's one more? She was gonna tell her but Christina spoke up first. "I'm guessing Jenna and the fake relationship are getting to you huh?"

When she heard those words her jaw was practically on the floor. How could she possibly know about that? Did Jenna snitch?

Did one of them forget to hide the contract?

"How'd you know that?" Y/n questioned.

"It's not that difficult, you may have everyone else fooled but you can't fool me."

Y/n walked off to her trailer and dragged Christina with her, so they could talk privately. Once the two were in Y/n's trailer, all Christina could say was "Talk to me about it."

"I was okay with being friends but then we had to kiss at a party and now I'm confused about my feelings." She stated then took a deep breath. "It's just so confusing."

"To me, it doesn't sound too confusing."

So far that was the most helpful thing anyone has said to her. Maybe she did like Jenna. She still needed some time though, but she is getting closer to her answer.

After many hours of last-minute shoots, Y/n finally made it home to see her friend Maddie Ziegler waiting for her on the steps. "You're finally home." She spoke.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n questioned as she walked closer to her friend and sat next to her. "Couldn't stand that I'm dating someone else?" She joked.

"Yeah, I'm so torn up about it." Maddie laughed.

The two laughed till their stomachs hurt then Maddie tried to be serious once again. "I just wanted to check up on you, we haven't talked in a while."

"It's complicated. I probably have to go to dinner with my girlfriend's ex and his new girlfriend soon."

"That sounds tough."

Y/n just nodded then the two sat in silence for a moment, just letting the slight chill hit their skin and listening to the crickets chirp, and the dogs bark. For once since the party her thoughts were empty. It was exactly what she needed.

"You shouldn't be worried about dinner though. I'm sure it'll be fine."

Well, that didn't last long.

Y/n wanted to believe her more than anything but Maddie didn't know the truth. All she knew was the lie. The lie that felt all too real.

The lie that she wanted to be real.

She finally knew what she was feeling.

It was a miracle.

"Yeah, you're right," Y/n responded then stood up and looked down at her friend. "Let's go inside, it's cold."

Once Maddie stood up, the two went inside after she got the door open. She immediately went to the kitchen to get drinks for the both of them they sat on the couch and began to catch up till Maddie had to go home. They ended up talking for a few hours. That was the longest they'd talked in a while.

When she left the clock read 11:40 pm. It was getting late. She quickly cleaned up the mess the two made so she could go to bed.

As she was walking to her room, her phone began to play the text notification sound. She looked at the screen to see it was Jenna. She smiled as she opened the notification but her smile quickly faded when she read the message.

She had a double date to prepare for.

She knew it would happen eventually but not tomorrow night.

She sighed as she walked into her room and then went straight to the closet to find an outfit for the dinner. She thought she would be spending her day off at home but not this time.

She took a second to breathe in and out then she went back to looking till she found the perfect outfit. "This is perfect." She thought out loud then set it off to the side. She moved the shoes to match to find them easier then she changed into her PJs.

Once she was ready for bed, she laid down and began scrolling through her social media. She ended up watching Tiktok videos till 1 am and that included all one hundred-plus videos that Emma had sent her. When she felt the tired feeling take over, she put her phone on charge and then fell asleep.

Time was still running out, she knew she had to do something quick about her feelings.

She was just waiting for the perfect time to tell Jenna.

brooke speaks!

there's chapter nine!
chapter ten will be out
soon and that's the
halfway mark of the story!

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now