chapter eighteen | long time no see

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THE DAY EMMA had reserved in Y/n's busy schedule finally arrived. Emma had sent her the address to the coffee shop the day before, and when Y/n looked it up she found out it was about an hour away from her house. It seemed to be closer to Emma's. Y/n questioned why she picked somewhere closer to her instead of the middle ground, yet here she was making the drive to see her friend.

After stopping at a red light, she quickly sent a text to her friend to let her know she would be there soon.

She was excited, yet nervous to see Emma. She wasn't sure why though, maybe it was the weird phone call from a week ago, or maybe the location she picked was closer to her than Y/n. The thought of everything made Y/n hesitate to even show up in the first place. To be honest, there's been a few times she's considered turning around and going home.

She brushed her thoughts away as the light turned green, then finished the drive to the coffee shop.

Once she got to the location, she walked in and looked around for Emma but she was nowhere to be found. Y/n knew there was no way she got there before Emma. "Over there." The barista spoke after she got Y/n's attention and then pointed to a table where a cup of coffee was placed. Not worrying at all.

Y/n glanced over at the table and then back to the barista. "Did my friend request that table?" Y/n asked curiously.

"Yeah, she went ahead and ordered for you."

Y/n hesitantly walked toward the table, and that's when she noticed it. She checked the printed label and read the order to discover it was her exact order. She never got coffee with Emma, if she did then it wasn't enough time for her to remember the order. Did she contact her friends without Y/n knowing? Did she ask Jenna?

So many different possibilities started running through her mind, this was getting weird.

The weirdest part was that Emma was still nowhere to be seen.

Where is Emma?

Y/n had been waiting for half an hour for Emma to show, but still nothing. She had been playing games on her phone as time passed. That got boring very quickly. A few more minutes passed and she was beginning to doubt that she was showing up soon.

She had stood up from the table to pay for her drink, then she heard the bell above the door ring. She looked up thinking it was Emma, but she saw her. "What the hell are you doing here?" Y/n asked with a panicked tone.

"Emma asked me to meet her here. What are you doing here?" Jenna asked with an annoyed tone. Y/n wasn't sure if it was directed toward her or Emma, it could also be both.

"She called me last week, and then she never showed up. When did she call you?"

"Yesterday, she called before I went to bed."

Suddenly everything made a lot of sense. The phone call, already ordered coffee sitting on a table, and Jenna shows up. Emma did plan this. The question though is what was her goal to do this? After a few seconds, Y/n's phone started to ring and she had an idea about who it could be.

For once in her life, she was right about something. She checked her phone to see Emma was Facetiming her. She accepted the call to see a smile on Emma's face once she noticed both Y/n and Jenna could be seen. "Oh great, Jenna's there! Now you can start." Emma spoke excitedly.

"What's going on here?" Y/n questioned curiously.

"I'd like to know the same thing," Jenna said and saw as Emma's smile grew bigger. That worried the two more than it should.

"You two will be sitting in that coffee shop till you can be friends and not act weird. You've been away from each other for too long, don't let New York ruin what you two have."

Y/n knew Emma was right, but Y/n wasn't sure what Jenna was thinking. Jenna opened her mouth like she was going to say something but quickly shut it once Emma shot her a glare. "Have fun you two, just not too much fun." Emma teased and then ended the call.

The two sat down just in time for more coffee to be brought to the table.

It was going to be a long day.

Fifteen minutes of silence between the two have passed, not a single word to be spoken between them. They've been on their phones this whole time. There have been a few times that Y/n tried to say something, but she couldn't get anything out.

Jenna couldn't say anything either, all she did was glance up at Y/n. There were a few times when they locked eyes and just looked at each other.

As more time passed, they realized that someone had to say something, Jenna was going to be the first one to speak. She felt like she had to. "I want to apologize for New York." The two spoke in unison. They looked at each other weirdly, then Y/n signaled for Jenna to continue.

Jenna cleared her throat before she continued. "It's been weird not having you around," Jenna spoke honestly. "I missed you more than I thought I would."

Y/n was unsure of how to take that last statement. She thought she had taken it the wrong way. "I missed you too," She admitted. Jenna smiled at the comment, then took a sip of her coffee. "Do you think we could be friends again? You know, without the fake relationship deal this time?" She joked.

"Sure we can, I'd like that a lot."

The two smiled at each other, then they began to catch up on each other's lives. Turns out they had missed a lot because of the time they've been apart. Y/n even found out that Jenna was still single, but she was friends with her ex. From the sound of it, they never went beyond that point. She thought that her feelings for Jenna would just disappear, but they haven't and she didn't think they ever will.

She still deeply cared for Jenna, and she still liked her a lot, but now she couldn't tell her that.

That has to stay unknown.

For now anyway.

Y/n had got home to find Phoebe waiting outside. She was worried but once she saw Y/n that feeling away. She thought that Phoebe would be working all day.

As she approached her friend, she noticed the angry look on her face. She probably thought the worst had happened to her.

She wasn't going to hear the end of that.

"Where the hell have you been?" Phoebe asked with a concerned tone.

"It's a long story." Y/n replied honestly. Phoebe was confused by her response, she wondered what could have happened to get a response like that. "Let me explain."

As Y/n and Phoebe made their way inside, Y/n explained everything from Emma's call from a week ago, to Jenna showing up. She figured out Emma's plan pretty quickly.

Some things needed to be cleared up though, one thing is her feelings for Jenna. "Are you going to be okay with being just friends considering your feelings?" Phoebe asked curiously. "I don't want you to get hurt again." She explained.

She expected something like this from Phoebe, she's always cared for Y/n. She's always been there. She truly was Y/n's best friend.

"I'd rather hide my feelings and be her friend than tell her how I feel again and risk losing her again."

"Okay, I support your decision, just be careful."

"I will." Y/n smiled then the two set on the couch. Phoebe started talking about all the things that happened on set, she had a long day.

As Phoebe continued to talk about her day, Y/n zoned out a few times. Her thoughts had gone to Jenna once again. She mainly thought about how happy she was that Jenna forgave her.

She was happy to have Jenna back in her life.

brooke speaks!

i hope it was all you
expected it to be! it's
sad to think that the
story is close to ending
though. i hope there's
no mistakes again

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 , 𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙖Where stories live. Discover now