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"Chat. You are delusional. There can't be a woman in the same room as me, I am playing League of Legends." I say with a deadpan expression.

I am in that unfortunate situation of having to be stuck in queue for the next twenty minutes because being a high rank is super fun and I don't have much to do other than watch videos to pass the time, and scroll through other streams. All that while not ignoring chat.

I turn my head to chat which just boiled down to laughing at my being self-aware. Between that, I can hear Rin also laughing at me.

"You guys shouldn't expect that much of me. I play games all day." I breathe out.

Rin then sides next to me with a chuckle. "I thought you were joking about the bullying."

"Don't tell them that, now they know I go to sleep crying after streaming." I look at the chat locking onto the chatter asking:

Woman. Blink twice if you are being held hostage

And the entire chat turns into a wall of asking or accusing me of the same thing. I only shake my head as I state. "Don't you dare."

"What? Going to take my food away from me?" She cocks her head at me.

"We can find out the hard way." I arch my brow at her.


Rin then walks away plopping down behind me still sitting in view of the camera I turn it away to focus more on me. "Women don't exist Chat, we have to grind to get rank one seeing as Tyler1 is still banned and he won't run down my games anymore."

Bring her back!!

"Ya'll are freaks." I then read another one talking about him being unbanned. "What? Unbanned? I liked my League of Legends toxicity free." I say that but the moment I load into a game there is some asshole that's going to tell me that I need to bark for him after getting one kill on me.

I look at his stream loading in on it to see that there isn't really anything that makes me think that it is true.

"Chat where'd you hear about this?" Someone talked about it. "Who the fuck is someone?"

Helpful as ever.

***   ***   ***

It is already one in the morning. "Aight chat. Might come online a lot sooner if I don't have plans for the weekend. See how it goes."

What plans?

"What plans? I know right. Anyway. Goodnight."

I sign off from everything. Making sure nothing goes wrong and corrupting the VOD in case I get sued for keeping someone hostage. 

"Should I also finish up?"

"Nah you can still play if you want. I am just done streaming and want to lay in bed till I pass out."


I shut down the PC and head straight for my bed. Dropping in it she also turns off the console and the TV before getting into bed. Laying on my side I forgot my phone on my table and I am too lazy to crawl over her to get it.

"Hey..." Rin clears her throat. "Can I... just talk to you about all of this?"

"All ears."

"You sure? Don't want you complaining to me about not getting enough sleep."

"Yeah, I am just going to go to bed then."

She chuckles. "I have been kinda going through it a lot in my head. About things I should and shouldn't do - even started looking up articles about how I should be feeling and dealing with it. All of the options I have and what to do and not to do."

"Sounds like a lot to talk about. Let's start easy. Options."

"Hm mhm. I could go through surgery, turn me back into a guy if I really wanted to. It will be expensive but even then I don't even know if that type of surgery would get rid of everything that changed because even my build and form changed from what it was."

"Do you want to?" I ask.

She stays quiet for a moment before stating. "I don't want to go through the effort. I don't want to cost my dad any more money than I already have; seeing as he has been taking care of me on his lonesome."

"But what do you want?"

"I just want to enjoy my life." She answers. "I hated every second because... I thought my life ended but right now? It feels different but not the end of it. I am getting used to most of it and it isn't all that chaotic."

"I don't care that I am a girl now, I do probably get a little bit more attention now but I was an attention whore back then so there isn't that much of a difference. I still have my best friend, I have more people interested in me probably, the only thing that's missing from this life and the previous is my dick."

I snort. "Thanks for the info on that." Then with a serious tone. "Though considering that you are taking it this well I think you are better off."


"Have you talked to the others that got turned?"

"Few of them. Made a group chat on messenger just to talk through helping each other but I don't know any of them and I can't just vent to them. I can do it to you because you know how to listen even if it just goes through one ear and out the other."

"Okay but if this is just an agenda to make fun of me I am going to have to abandon you soon."


"Alright." I roll over to my side to get more comfortable, though I am probably going to pass out at any given time now.

"It helps probably looking at the entirety of it. The smallest of things I can probably deal with, the body, the perks and quirks that come with it. The thing about having long hair and it just kinda gets stuck in my mouth is pretty high on reasons why it sucks so badly."

"Probably just something that you need to get used to."

"Isn't that just everything about this though?"

I nod slowly. "I guess so." I can barely make out her face as she stares at the ceiling. "And? Probably a topic you don't want to discuss in light of recent events but-"

"Between this and that?" She snorts. "I think I don't mind at all which is why I don't want to jump headfirst into relationships because I might still like girls but on the other hand I might also just like guys."

"You'll figure it out."


Projection (Male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now