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At the gym early morning.

School is starting again and I honestly just wished the break lasted longer, with how it is going now I am going to get my affiliate and if it gets any better then I can probably skip out on going to college and get a degree online while I stream.

I play games for fun, so if it becomes my job then I don't have to worry about when I play games and when I need to make time for the things I want to do. That is I hope I do get that to work out for me then I should be settled for the most part... I can't help but wonder what Rin will be doing.

I glance at her going through her morning routine all the while I am struggling to keep my attention on myself.

I sigh loudly before I walk to the side to drop down against the wall next to our bags. I shut my eyes tightly trying to clear my head because I can't focus on exercising right now, my mind is in too many places at once.

"You okay?" I hear her voice.

"Hm mhm. My head just isn't in it right now?"

"That sucks." I open my eyes to see her wipe the sweat from her face. "Want to just get something at the cafe before we head to school? I am kind of not in the mood for this either."

I chuckle. "I was almost expecting you to tell me to stop having a stick up my ass and just get some work done."

"We do this pretty much every day. One day spent not exercising won't hurt either of us." She then gestures to the bathrooms. "Going to clean up and I'll meet you outside?"


I go to the male showers and quickly clean myself up and get dressed for school, I hate getting in my school uniform the moment after I showered because it feels weird and it is as if you can never really get yourself dried properly.

Seeing as we have plenty of time, I walk out with my pants and shoes on. I walk outside with my towel around my neck and feel the cold air against my body to help me find out where I am still wet.

I can't wait to suddenly get cold and die the entire day because of a runny nose.

My favourite.

The door opens behind me with Rin dressed up in her uniform. "You are... not even dressed properly."

I nod. "I am starting to think I need to get another towel because one really doesn't feel like it is enough."

Twisting her lips to the side. "Or you are just complaining for the sake of complaining."

I narrow my eyes at her. "Says you."

"Oh I can't dry myself properly and I hate it."

I roll my eyes at her while I put on my shirt and tuck it into my pants. "Well if I have to be honest; it does feel like I am not drying myself properly when I get out of these showers but I just think these uniforms hate it when you take hot showers."

"Why not take cold showers?"

"Cause it is cold?"

"Good reasoning." She pushes her lips out and gestures to the bike. "Want to quickly go get something to drink before school?"


I finish up getting dressed and drive with her towards the only café that is open this early in the morning in our neighbourhood. She buys us both some of that strong iced coffee that is going to make me crash four hours from now while I sit in math class.

I am waiting outside trying to get the wrinkles out of my shirt but it looks like I am going to have to stick to wearing my blazer the entire day long and hopefully I don't die from heatstroke. 

Projection (Male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now