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I think when you take a brief moment to even consider how others feel then you are better than most of the people in the world. Because something as basic as empathy only exists for several reasons and it might just be sad to consider that it isn't always out of the goodness of their heart.

Some have a motive.

And others... they do it out of their good heart but somehow fail to think about the needs of the person in question. I think it is their love that hurts more than anything because they want the best for you but you can't make them understand.

Because they can't.

I am watching her getting torn out on a phone call with the only person that would scold her right now in this given situation.

"I know. I mean if I knew they were going to call you then I wouldn't have skipped in the first place. That was a-..." She glances at me shaking her head. "I didn't fail every single class in existence because I skipped one day. One out of like three hundred is a good percentage!"

I can't help but crack a smile, she winks at me as she continues the call.

"Yeah. Yep. It's not his fault, maybe a little bit, but come on Dad we both know that I haven't exactly been a model anything. Right. Uh huh. No I am listening if I wasn't listening would I even bother being on this call right now? Sorry," she rolls her eyes.

Her fault for dare giving him a lip.

I can see her expression shift into a more annoyed expression. "Dad, if you think for a moment-"

Her jaw clenches, keeping her words to herself as she just lets him tear into him. Tapping the tips of her toes against the floor while occasionally balling her hand into a fist I can see that vein in her neck about to pop any second.

"But there's learning the hard way right and the hardest fucking way to learn right now that whatever the fuck you think is helping me isn't working out  would be me killing myself, right?" I instantly furrow my brow at her words.

"I guess popping a pill for that would work too, it will give me my manhood back. Every single fucking thing that went away and the way you tip-toe around me and now when you are pissed you have the nerve to treat me like you do. The happiest I've ever fucking been because you are treating me like the jackass of a son that I was and not like an entirely new person!"

"Rin," I look at her.

She locks eyes with me, breathing out, "Who am I?"

I can't tell if she is asking me, or him.

"Because I don't even think you know any more, just as lost as I am." She shuts her eyes with a heavy exhale, muttering under her breath, "Fuck me," then louder again, "You know where I am, if you want to tell me what you think I should be doing, I am right here."

She cuts the call and puts the phone away.

Propping up her arm on the table she rests her chin in her palms with her fingers tapping against her lips, that face of hers screaming that it couldn't have possibly gone worse.

I lift myself and walk to her. "I am guessing that I also have some explaining to do?"

Lifting her shoulders into a shrug. "Too busy being pissed at me to care about you right now, if you want to take my place feel free but at this point I just feel shitty. Especially when I need to act like that in front of the only person that gave a fuck to sit with me growing up."

I nod slowly. "Probably... just doesn't understand."

"Probably isn't even a factor, he doesn't understand. Trying to understand and refusing to understand are so close to each other that it is scary," then lifting herself off of the chair. "Man, this wasn't worth the hassle it is going to put me in."

I stop her, resting my hand on her side. "I could have told you that."

The front door swings open, Mom stands steps through, and freezes the moment she sees the two of us. "You two should be in school."

I lift my hand. "Hey, Mom."

"Hey, Mom." Rin flashes her a smile.

She lifts her hand rubbing out her eyes before shaking her head. "Hey, Rin. Listen," she walks to the kitchen counter placing her bags down, "I am pretty sure that the two of us have an agreement that you at the very least give me your best with school."

"I do give my best," I counter.

"Let's both hope that the report card reflects that," she then looks at the two of us.

"Rin had a personal emergency."

Mom instantly looks at her, and walks up to her with a soft tone, "Are you okay?"

Rin nods. "Just a bit rough, Dad's probably on the way."

"Right," she cocks her head pretty much instantly realizing what could have probably happened, and then steps back, "Personal emergency doesn't mean you stayed at home to have sex, I hope you both know that."

Rin instantly lowers her gaze and lifts her fingers to cover the marks that I left on her. "Err... It's-"

I quickly add. "No it didn't happen because of that but more-"

"I don't need to hear the reason behind the why," she chuckles. "But it is a terrible way of telling your parents that her son is probably sleeping with her best friend's son-turned-daughter but I kind of expected that to happen."

I express, "Rin's has been in a rough place."

Rin looks up at her. "Can I talk to you, privately miss. Please?"

"You can stick to calling me Mom, you've been in this house almost more than my own son," Mom flashes her a smile before gesturing for her to come with.

"Thank you," Rin brushes past me, she squeezes my fingers before the two of them go to the living room to talk and I walk away to give them that privacy.

Probably the only person that can talk to her Dad without it turning into it looking like children disrespecting an adult rather than just conveying feelings. Though I have a feeling if this blows over Mom is going to have plenty to tell me.

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