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*** Two Month time skip ***

Sitting at the table I run through a lot of my notes and paperwork for my emails. I reread through a lot of my stats while streaming. I have already done most of the milestones and need to get into the partner program to really start making money.

All of my time has gone into it and I guess it has been paying out. The problem is that with the school it was hard to balance it so for some weeks I couldn't stream making me lose some hours in a month and just making it harder to get partner.

But considering we had vacation... streaming is really all I have been doing half of the time.

I send my request and start praying that I do manage to get it. Despite the fact that I am considered to be a little rat that leached all my viewers, the fun part about being a face on the internet.

I close my laptop and walk around my house to see there is a storm outside. I give Rin a call which she takes two years to answer. "You back from your trip yet?"

"Just got home actually." I then hear her grunt and groan before starting with a sharp exhale, "Helping dad carry all of the shit back into the building. Mind if I swing by in a bit?"

"I thought that was the idea ever since you left."

"Well might as well ask to make sure before you decide last second you really don't want to see your good friend."

"Only sometimes."

"More often than that."

"Complaining about me complaining?"

"Yeah yeah. Be there in an hour or so."

"Cool." I cut the call and continue to go about my day.

Doing some chores around the house before mom decides to revoke my living privileges I then sit near the front door scrolling through media to see what is what. Twitter is still Twitter and concerning that, I haven't seen myself being posted about that does mean I haven't been racist in a hot minute.

Reddit is just a mix of being horny and pretending to know what you are talking about. Also being the king of general opinions and how dare you have a hot take on the internet. I stay away from Reddit because I would probably be living in the negative Karma zone.

We don't talk about 4chan.

The door swings open with Rin peeking around the corner. "Thanks for making me run through the rain, asshole."

I blink twice. "I didn't even hear you."

She glares at me before awkwardly standing at the door. "Is there space in the garage? I don't want to let the bike stand out in the rain."

"Yeah, I'll help."

She sets down her helmet at the entrance as I help her push it to the front of the garage still making space for mom to squeeze through later tonight if Rin even plans on staying that long. Thunder roars above us as the rain starts crashing onto the ground.

"At least the weather is nice," Rin remarks.

"Better for me."

"And here I was planning on forcing you to get a walk into your system before school starts again."

I look at her. "Are you saying I am a dog?"

"I didn't say it."

"Right." We place the bike in the garage and I then ask her, "How was the vacation trip? Enjoy being away from your emotional support animal, me?"

"It was great actually." She then gestures to herself. "How about you get something for us to dry off with and then I get to tell you about it?"

"Sure." I glance at her for a moment.

Her hair is a tad bit longer, from the way she is dressing it looks like she has kind of gotten used to her whole transformation. The texts between the two of us have stopped being her complaining about it but rather just reverting back to how we used to text.

Kind of like I already did what I could even though I don't think I have done much.

Probably not giving myself enough credit. I rush through the house to get the towels, managing to dry a little bit of myself. I walk back to the garage with the towel as I state. "Your clothes are probably already wet as fuck so..."

(Kinda looks the same

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(Kinda looks the same. So I am using it anyway, use your imagination if my taste doesn't suit yours.)

"Yeah?"  She looks at me, we lock eyes for a slight moment.

I snap myself out of my trance before I get accused of staring at her. "Here."

She stretches out her hand to catch the towel as I toss it to her. Instantly lifting it to her face to start drying up I can tell that she has been keeping in shape, looking almost better than she was when she turned.

There is just this little problem that I think I am into her. I pull my gaze away while I stand in the door frame as I ask again. "About the trip?"

"Was fine. Met some cool dudes on the trip, an old friend that lived there and pretty much hung out for most of it... so all in all every interaction wasn't a panic attack waiting to happen. On the plus side heard that he might transfer over to work here."

"Older than us?"

"Yeah. Just by two years. By old friend, I mean that he is my dad's friend's son."

"Right right. Need to clarify before your current friend gets jealous?"

She pulls the towel from her face and looks at me with an arched brow. "Are you?"


"I was kind of expecting you to say something like: why would I be jealous of another dude that is also your friend when I had to be the miserable fucker that had to sit with me while I almost died of body dysmorphia."

"Big words from you."

She smiles at me. "Glad to see you will never change." She then rests the towel over her shoulders. "Other than it has been pretty chill meeting and greeting, kinda tried to get with a few girls to see if it still for me."

"Learning the hard way?"

"Hm mhm."



I chuckle. "Not really an answer but I guess I'll take it."

"I... really don't want to talk about that. Just letting you know there were attempts, and despite there being attempts there will no longer be any further attempts for a few reasons."

"So definitely into dudes now?"

She narrows her gaze from me. "What? Do you want me to say it out loud or some shit?"

"I mean..."

She looks at me with an unimpressed stare. Twisting her lips to the side she finally cocks her head before stating, "I hate you."

I shut my eyes with a chuckle. "I can tell." I open my eyes as I gesture for us to start heading inside. "Come on. I'll lend you something to wear before you freeze your ass off."

"Oh... yeah. Thanks."

Is it different? Or is it the same as it has always been between the two of us? I can't really tell without asking outright but at that point, it just feels like pushing my luck... maybe I have been the weird one.

Not my fault Rin happened to be hot as a girl.

Projection (Male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now