Episode 15: Father

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" Wear something pretty for tonight" Hongjoong said, when Y/N was going back home.

" I'm going to come with my pajamas" Y/N said sarcastically.

" Do you want me to send you home? a girl with that body can't-" Y/N slapped his shoulder.

" Will you stop?" Y/N asked him annoyed.


Y/N's POV:

I was looking for something pretty.


I took out one dress, which was so cute, not my style, but anywayss.

I took out one dress, which was so cute, not my style, but anywayss

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Unknown number:

I'm in front of your house, come out fast.



Unknown number:

Yea, I'm Hongjoong, now come fast! 


How tf did you get my phone number and address?!





" Auntiee, I'm going out, I'll be backk!" I shouted and went out of the house.

I ran to the gates and opened the door.

I saw Hongjoong with his car.

He started staring at me for a minute.

" Are we going to go??" I asked him and he nodded.

I opened the door of the car and sat next to Hongjoong's seat, he also sat on driver's seat.

He started the car and drove off.

" That dress is really great choice after today's incident" Hongjoong said.

" Can you just shut the fuck up and don't act like It's your first time seeing girl wearing a bra" I got so pissed off, he started fake coughing.

" Okay, Let's move on... Before we arrive there, I'll tell you that my relationship with my father isn't even close to good." he said and I looked at him.

why am I feeling so sorry for him?

" O-okay" I said.

" I have a question... Why me? out of all the girls? " I asked him.

" I don't think they can act as good as you" he said.

" Does that mean good thing or bad?... Ohh, I forgot that nothing good comes out of your mouth" I said.

He chuckled, even though I didn't say good thing about him.

" Alright, We arrived" he said.

We both got out of the car and went near to the doors of Hongjoong's father's house.

Before knocking on the door of his father's house, Hongjoong held my waist and I looked at him shocked.

" What the-"

" Just acting" he cut me off.

He knocked on the door and one man opened it.

I bowed to the man and smiled to him.

" Come inside!" The man said and we went inside.


" So, this is your girlfriend, right?" the man asked Hongjoong, while pointing at me.

Hongjoong bobbed and looked at me, he smiled at me and I smiled back.

" I told you, that I have Girlfriend and I can take care of my mother, sister and Girlfriend by myself... I don't need you in my life and no one in my family does" Hongjoong said.

" Oh... so you took one random girl to act like your girlfriend, cause I told you that I would leave y'all alone if you find a girlfriend? How much is he going to give you for acting like his girlfriend? tell me and I'll give you two times more!" His father attacked me with so fucking idiotic question and a deal.

 I didn't know what to do and I looked at Hongjoong, who had already lost hope.

I held his hand and stood up.

" I'm really sorry... Mr, But you are so wrong! I love Hongjoong so much and I don't need his money or fame to "act like his girlfriend", cause I'm already his girlfriend and I'll be with him until the end unlike you. I don't know what is going on with you two, cause Hongjoong respects you and knows the fact that you are his father and he doesn't want to talk about you badly, But you are standing here asking me, Hongjoong's girlfriend, How much does he give me to act like his girlfriend. No Father in this world would say that to his son's girlfriend and disrespect him in front of his girlfriend. Leave Hongjoong and his family alone, he did nothing to you!" I said.

 I made Hongjoong stand up and we left the house, while holding each other's hands.

When we got out of the house I let go of his hand.

" Thank you!" he said.

" the thing is that I hate that kind of thing happening in front of me" I said.

Hongjoong took his phone out and started deleting my pictures.

I smiled.

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