Chapter 1: Origins

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It all started one rainy evening in October, (Y/N) and her brother Ryan were on a late-night drive. They often liked to do this together when they wanted to have deep discussions and while some people might wonder why they didn't just discuss things in a bar or at home on a rainy night like this it was because they didn't like to be overheard. (Y/N) and her brother were different they didn't really fit in. They were considered slightly weird, they always felt out of step like something was missing and the only ones that understood them were each other.

(Y/N) at 25 was still living with her parents currently in London unable to afford to move out due to her pitiful wages as a shop assistant and with no partner to help share the burden of bills and hardly any friends that she could rely on she was stuck. Ryan was older at 30, living with a couple friends that always teased him that he was barking. They had learned over the years to keep their ideas and experiences to themselves. They were both intelligent and highly open minded, philosophical you might call it with their views of the world.

They believed the world was much more than it seemed, they believed in things like the multiverse theory and that things like the Avengers or Harry Potter could exist in other universes that had different laws to our own. (Y/N) also had some touch of psychic abilities she was able at times to see the future in her dreams and pick up thoughts and emotions of animals and sometimes people. Ryan also had a knack of knowing when (Y/N) needed his help and was extremely protective of her, always shielding her. But try telling this sort of thing to anyone and you get laughed at (Y/N) remembered when she had tried telling her parents these sorts of things when she was younger "You spend too much time in those books that's the trouble." Her dad had said instantly dismissing her. Her mum had murmured assent "Fantasists both of them!" She exclaimed "Ryan isn't much better thinking he can sense when (Y/N) needed protection!"

So, they learnt from then on that it was best to just discuss it with each other, the drives became their safe space. Ryan always seemed to take things in his stride, he didn't seem to care if people thought him odd. When (Y/N) worried like she always did he would just laugh it off and say something like "Who cares what they think! One day we will do something important, I just know it!" but (Y/N) couldn't think that way easily, she tended to worry a lot and was fairly introverted, especially these days. Often spending her time reading and writing fan fiction, she often meditated to relax and sometimes thought she could sense ripples in the universe but wasn't sure if it was her imagination. She often had trouble believing in her abilities and it always took Ryan to make her believe in herself.

Ryan was striking to look at dark haired, tall with bright blue eyes and a handsome face. His calm and confident personality only added to that, (Y/N) often wondered how he was still single. But he often said that he enjoyed being a bachelor, sometimes taking girls home or having the odd fling but nothing serious. (Y/N) however had (Y/H/C) hair with (Y/E/C) eyes and was (Y/A). People often said she was pretty, but she had a hard time believing it. Not that it mattered I'm weird anyway she thought to herself bitterly. She longed for love, but she could never seem to find the right person who understood her. She had boyfriends in the past, but they always didn't last. She always seemed to go for the wrong guys, the last one being abusive.

Her last boyfriend had emotionally, sexually, and physically abused her. Controlling what she wore, who she saw, what she did. To the point that she nearly lost everyone, she could certainly never be herself around him. It was Ryan that saved her, he never liked the guy and would often pick distress signals up from (Y/N). But (Y/N) always downplayed it until one day her boyfriend wouldn't let her leave his house to which Ryan sensing his sister in danger went round to sort him out. Ryan had always been physically strong he had managed to take her boyfriend down and made sure he got arrested.

This was all two years ago and (Y/N) hadn't had a relationship since. She had been in therapy and was slowly coming back to herself and Ryan was there throughout it all, he was her best friend. (Y/N) still had trouble at times feeling worthless and blamed herself for everything and would sometimes get nightmares but she was gradually improving. She lost herself even more in her books and writing, it was safe there. But she hadn't given up on love and would still hope that one day she would find the perfect someone.


"Hey (Y/N) have I lost you again." Ryan brought her back to the present, he sounded amused. (Y/N) started "sorry Ryan was just thinking about things." (Y/N) replied.

"As always." Ryan stated fondly. They had driven quite far in Ryan's little Toyota Yaris; they were no longer on the motorway but going down some country lanes. (Y/N) loved being round nature where it was peaceful. "How's your writing going?" Ryan asked.

(Y/N) brightened "It's going well! I have been continuing writing Harry Potter and Marvel fan fictions. If we are right and they exist somewhere, wouldn't it be cool if we could go there?" Asked (Y/N) excitedly. She didn't even give Ryan a chance to reply, the words just kept on coming like a never-ending waterfall (she often did this when she was passionate about something). "I think that people just think they made all this stuff up when they are actually just tapping into information from other universes, and they don't realise. As in the only way the human brain can cope with it is to make them think it's imagination"

Ryan nodded enthusiastically finally able to get a word in "I agree, I think everything is just overlapping with one another. Remember that theory we discussed about where consciousness creates the universe? Well, if that's true then when people write things, they could just be creating the whole universe and making it real right?" (Y/N) nodded "Anything is possible, I think we know so little of the universe and the way it works..." But (Y/N) never finished suddenly a large van pulled out a lane out of nowhere too fast skidding on the wet tarmac. "SHIT!" Ryan cried in fear he had no time to swerve and (Y/N) barely had anytime to scream before the van smashed into them then everything went black... 

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