Chapter 21: The Big Test

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(Y/N) felt someone shake her awake, she tried to ignore it at first as she was deep in sleep, and she wanted to just be left alone curled under the blankets like a hibernating hedgehog. But the shaking was insistent, violent even and now a voice joined it. "(Y/N) wake up we need to go." She realised the voice was Tonys as her mind came out of sleep.

"What's wrong?" she asked him groggily.

"We overslept; we need to leave otherwise people are going to have a nasty surprise when they come for a morning view of the city." Tony informed her.

"Ah shit." (Y/N) cursed suddenly remembering the night before and where they were. They scrambled up fast getting dressed Tony calling for Jarvis to help them. The automatons entered the room quickly clearing everything away. "Jarvis why didn't you wake me earlier?" Tony asked sounding slightly annoyed.

"I didn't want to disturb your romantic night sir." Jarvis responded apologetically; Tony just tutted. Tony had just about got his Iron Man suit on and (Y/N) was just finishing fastening her coat and adjusting her hat when the first people came in. Once they caught sight of them, they started to bustle over excitedly hardly able to believe that they were able to get a glimpse of Iron Man and The Rose Quartz. Their minds were such a hub of excitement that (Y/N) had to hurriedly shut them out to prevent it from becoming overwhelming. Tony took the lead as he always did "OK folks, nice to see you but me and (Y/N) here have got to be somewhere so if you please excuse us." He put an arm round (Y/N) to guide her out, but the crowd were relentless.

"OMG Is that a ring on (Y/N)'s finger?"

"He proposed, that's so cute!"

"Can we get a picture?"

"Tony, will you sign my cheeks?"

"(Y/N) you too! Can we get a picture?"

They carried on and on and (Y/N) was struggling to stay calm, energy was crackling in her palms. She had kept herself fairly isolated a lot of the time in the compound or the Sanctum Sanctorum and the times that they had gone out in public they had been well guarded. Tony put a reassuring hand on her shoulder "This is something you will have to get used to. Don't use your powers on them whatever you do and just keep their minds blocked from yours." Tony told her seriously and she nodded.

She was desperately trying to hide her face as she had just woken up and didn't particularly want these people seeing her up close right now. Tony sensed her discomfort "Jarvis get us out of here will ya." He called.

"I will sir." Jarvis replied.

Suddenly Happy Hogan burst into the room "Ok everyone step back. I'm the head of Tony's security." Happy went straight into his protective mode which made (Y/N) giggle, he was a little overzealous at times, but he really cared about Tony and took his job seriously. Happy waved them over, clearing a path.

"How did you get here so fast?" Tony asked him.

"I'm always nearby, always ready Tony." Happy replied "Jarvis sent for me to help you get out."

"Wait did you sleep here last night?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yep, I was a few floors down all ready in case you needed me." Happy commented.

"Come on Happy you need to get a life outside of protecting me." Tony told him as they made their way out of the building.

"Actually, I have a date tonight." Happy said defensively.

"Oh! With who?" (Y/N) asked enthusiastically.

"It's May Parker." Happy said with a smile.

"Aw that's great! You will be so great together." (Y/N) said warmly.

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