Chapter 13: Parties and Apologies

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It was a few days after the mission and (Y/N) was relaxing with Peter. He had recovered well after his ordeal and was mainly just tired. (Y/N) had taken to spending time with him while he rested. She had more time on her hands now that she had completed her main training and Ryan and Wanda were spending a lot of their free time with their partners. Her routine was to get up practice her skills and then go and find Peter.

Peter was thrilled as he had someone to spend time with and after saving his life he was completely in awe of Ryan, (Y/N) and Wanda. They had been binging the Harry Potter movies together, they were now on the last part.

As (Y/N) walked into the movie room Peter was already waiting with everything set up practically bouncing up and down so she could tell he was pretty much back to normal. "(Y/N)! I've got the popcorn ready and drinks" he said excitedly indicating the large bowl of popcorn and soda. (Y/N) smiled at him his enthusiasm was catching "Great! Let's watch it!" she enthused "No matter how many times I've seen it it's never enough." (Y/N) said to him.

"Same here! It's a great comfort film." Peter told her. As they watched the movie, they were about three quarters of the way through when suddenly the door opened, and Tony looked in. "Kid." Tony said addressing Peter "I've been looking for you, Jarvis said you were here. I was wondering if you would feel ok to come back to start work in the lab again tomorrow?"

"Sure Mr Stark, I'm loads better." Peter replied.

"Cool." Tony replied he then looked at the screen "What are you guys watching?" But then he realised straight away as he saw the battle of Hogwarts raging on the screen. "Harry Potter?" he asked looking at them.

"Yeah, we've been watching them all! (Y/N)'s been keeping me company while I've been resting." Peter informed Tony brightly. (Y/N) winced as Tony looked slightly hurt although she knew she shouldn't feel guilty as he hadn't wanted to be with her so she could watch it with whomever she liked.

"Thought we were going to watch them together?" Tony asked her wounded.

"So did I but you didn't want to be with me remember so that was your own fault." (Y/N) said cuttingly. Peter looking awkward and embarrassed looked back and forth between them as Tony and (Y/N) just glared at each other. Then he looked at Peter "See you tomorrow kid." Was all Tony said as he left the room. (Y/N) was silent for the rest of the film lost in the old sadness. Once the film was done Peter turned to her "He does miss you, you know." He told her and (Y/N) just shrugged, her eyes blurring slightly. Peter put an arm round her in his sweet caring way he had "Seriously! He's not been the same since you guys you know." He waved a hand in the air.

"What do you mean?" (Y/N) asked interested in spite of herself.

"Well, he's just not himself, distracted, quieter, which we all know is unusual for him." Peter laughed and (Y/N) joined in. "He's also still got that sketch up in the lab that you drew of him, and he was really worried about you after what happened at the mission." Peter glanced at her knowingly. (Y/N) felt hope spread through her but she didn't want to get too excited "Why doesn't he talk to me then?" she challenged.

Peter shrugged "You know how he can be, doesn't like to admit he's wrong. But I've tried telling him to sort things out. Bruce said he hasn't seen him this depressed since the battle of New York."

"Huh." Said (Y/N) chewing things over "I guess we will see what happens I guess." She suddenly shot Peter a mischievous look "What about you Peter? Anyone special in your life?"

Peter blushed slightly looking awkward again "Well there's MJ..." he trailed off awkwardly.

"Tell me about her!" (Y/N) prompted. Overcoming his shyness about girls he started to tell (Y/N) everything about his situation about MJ.

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