Chapter 7: Training

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The next day first morning of training dawned, the sky a cloudy dove grey with breaks of light filtering thorough hitting the windowpanes. (Y/N) breathed deeply trying not to get nervous she had been awake a while the old self-doubt hitting her as it did sometimes. She just hoped she could do this right. She had gotten ready in some training gear that Wanda had left for her and made her way down to breakfast.

Ryan was already there in his training gear chatting with Thor "Now Jane, she's an old flame of mine. Oh, what a woman that was!" Thor exclaimed, Ryan lowered his voice whispering to Thor, suddenly Thor let out a loud guffaw "Natasha! You sly old fox, I love it, absolutely love it. Bet she could show you a fun time unless she wraps you up in her web."

(Y/N) cleared her throat, they spun round not looking guilty at all. "Hey sis." Ryan called.

(Y/N) nodded grabbed some cereal and sat down "You feeling ok little one?" Thor asked kindly

"Yeah, just nervous." (Y/N) answered

"She always worries." Ryan stated.

Thor slammed his hand on the back heartily and she nearly went headfirst into her cereal "Nothing to be nervous about! Think of the challenge and adventure! I'm quite jealous I sometimes miss the old days of training." He looked lost in his memories for a moment.

"Thanks Thor." (Y/N) said and he smiled at her.

Not long after that Wanda came to get them "Ready?" She asked them.

Ryan leapt up "Yes!" he said enthusiastically. (Y/N) got up a bit more slowly Wanda came over to her and hugged her reassuringly "You will be fine little Rose." She said sweetly.

"Rose?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yes, after your rose gold energy." Wanda answered.

"I love it!" (Y/N) exclaimed her thoughts melting away in Wanda's presence.

"Do I get a nickname?" Ryan asked Wanda

"When you earn it." She smirked at him.

"Not as impressive as the god of thunder though, right?" Thor joked and Wanda swatted him good naturedly. Wanda led them to the training room which like everything else in the compound was massive. Wanda told them it had been fit with special technology so that it couldn't be destroyed with people experimenting with their powers (it was everything proof pretty much) it had dummies to practice on and different obstacles to evaluate your strength on, the other end had more of a gym with a variety of equipment.

Steve and Natasha were waiting for them already.

"Let's get straight too it then." Steve dived right in "I have set out a training regime. Nat could you give them a copy of the timetable please?

"Sure thing." Natasha responded before then handing them a copy.

"Now I'll walk you through it. Nat and I will be teaching you hand to hand combat as well as progressing your physical fitness in general. I know most of both your abilities are mental but it's just as important that you progress your physical selves just in case you need it." He paused to make sure they were following when they nodded, he continued. "Wanda of course will progress your mental abilities." He nodded to Wanda.

"What this will entail." Steve continued "Is running, swimming, obstacle courses and target practice. You will then face us one on one while we teach you in the area we know best, at times you will work together to assess how your abilities work together and also for paired work. Sometimes though you will work separately, as you can see from your timetables it will be four days a week with weekends off and a rest day mid-week as it can be quite gruelling work. It will also alternate regularly between the physical and mental training to rest the other at first, but in time we will combine both. You will also be expected to work in all different terrain indoors and outdoors and weather conditions which will get harder the more you advance." Steve looked at them "All ok so far?"

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