Chapter 4: The Waiting Game

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All the arrangements had been made, now all there was to do was wait. (Y/N) was becoming impatient and started to pace. Ryan was lying on his hospital bed watching her through slitted eyes "All that pacing you're doing is making me tired, why don't you just sit down?" He said. "We won't have to wait long you know."

It amazed her how he could always be so relaxed, ready to just take things on without a care in the world. (Y/N) faced her brother "I'm just nervous, you know what I'm like, I want to just get going on things."

"We will soon enough sis, don't you worry. Why don't you practice with your powers or something? I am." With that he started trying to expand his shield round himself seeing how far he could get it to go. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes "You shouldn't do that, you know Dr Forder said we shouldn't use them until we get there, being it's so unpredictable."

"Screw that. Don't worry I will be careful." Ryan dismissed (Y/N)'s worries.

(Y/N) could feel her annoyance growing "will you stop being so irresponsible, you're going to get us in trouble."

Ryan ignored her and carried on experimenting with his shield. "Ryan! Look at me!" (Y/N) demanded. As he turned his head, she noticed that his eyes looked almost like they were glowing blue fire. "Your eyes!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"What?" he asked confused dropping his concentration, so his shield disappeared, as soon as that happened his blue eyes returned to normal. "Well?" he questioned again "What's wrong with my eyes?"

"They are ok now but when you were using the shield, I noticed they were glowing like blue fire." (Y/N) exclaimed in wonder.

Ryan smiled "huh that's cool. I did sort of notice anyway that the shield's colour was blue like my eyes. All the babes will be coming to me now, just got to flash my glowing eyes at them" he joked

(Y/N) rolled her eyes "More likely they will run away, which in my opinion would do you good you're wayyyyy too cocky with girls."

"Well, that's just not that nice sis." Ryan said in mock hurt "Besides I'm sure black widow will be down." He flashed a cheeky grin.

"Oh, please go ahead, I would love to see her kick you in the nuts." (Y/N) laughed, Ryan shook his head at her "Not gonna happen. Anyway" Ryan changed the subject "Who are you most looking forward to meeting?"

(Y/N) thought for a moment "Wanda of course, she will understand me well, I think. Peter Parker, the guardians of the galaxy team and oh! Tony Stark!" (Y/N) blushed at that.

Ryan looked unusually serious "Now (Y/N) I hope you're not going to start going after another bad boy, I don't want to have to pick up the pieces again."

"Of course, I'm not!" (Y/N) exclaimed indignantly "I just want to meet him that's all."

Ryan looked disbelieving "Uh huh, I know what you're like."

"Seriously Ryan, I'm not! He could be with Pepper Potts in this universe anyway." (Y/N) said hurriedly. Ryan still looked unconvinced "We don't know that, as we now know there is multiverses it could be different to the films we know, all I'm saying is be careful. If you have to go for any guys go for someone like Captain America."

(Y/N) didn't want to be having this conversation anymore with her brother "I can look after myself." She muttered.

"What was that?" Ryan asked, (Y/N) hadn't meant for him to hear. "I just said who are you looking forward to meeting?"

Ryan looked like he didn't believe her but dismissed it with a shrug "You mean apart from Natasha?" The cheeky grin was back. At the frustrated expression on (Y/N)'s face he continued "Probably Thor, which would be a good laugh I think and Cap as well I like him."

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