Chapter 6: The Lab

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Peter had taken them on a tour of the compound the next day (Y/N) wondered how she was going to possibly remember where to go it was so big! But any nerves she had were stamped out by Peters friendly chatter, she could see them becoming fast friends. She let herself relax until they stopped outside what was clearly Tony's lab.

(Y/N) stopped short "Peter, don't you think we should wait for Tony to show us this. I mean I can't imagine he would appreciate people coming into his lab uninvited."

"Scared sis?" Ryan taunted.

"No! I'm just showing respect" (Y/N) defended herself lamely.

Ryan started laughing "God at times you're such an open book, all your feelings on show."

(Y/N) heated up "Nothing wrong with that- "she said angrily.

"GUYS!" Peter shouted, "Can we please just stop you know... the arguing." He finished awkwardly. Both (Y/N) and Ryan muttered apologies before falling silent. "Anyway." Peter continued "Mr Stark won't mind me bringing you guys in here; I come and go in here all the time. I'm something of a scientist myself" He laughed to himself as if the comment was really amusing to him. He began to type the code in "You have the code to the lab?" Ryan asked impressed. "Oh yeah." Peter said proudly "Mr Stark trusts me; only really special people get this code." Ryan rolled his eyes behind Peter's back.

They stepped in the lab where they could hear "Back in Black" by AC/DC playing. The lab was huge filled with suit prototypes, cars, computers, and inventions. (Y/N)s eyes fell on Tony who as usual was tinkering with something. Ryan couldn't help but be impressed "This Is cool."

Tony looked round "Kid." He directed to Peter "What have I told you before. You can come and go but clear it with me first before bringing others in here."

Peter looked embarrassed "Sorry Mr Stark I just thought..." He trailed off, he obviously didn't like upsetting his hero, he looked so dejected that (Y/N) felt sorry for him and squeezed his shoulder. Ryan faced Tony "No need to be rude you know."

Tony walked over to them "Excuse me? You come into my lab, my lab." He said again putting a hand on his chest to emphasise the point "Then you expect to tell me what to do." His voice cutting. (Y/N) decided to step in before it could turn into an argument "I'm sorry Mr Stark I did ask them to wait." Tony looked at her then and (Y/N) tried not to shrink away from this powerful man's gaze. He just watched her for a moment analysing her before responding "At least one of you have sense, so how are you liking it so far psychic Sally?" directing the question only to her.

(Y/N) smiled she loved the Stark wit "Good so far, I love this lab though." She indicated her surroundings, her eyes alight with interest. Tony looked pleased "Built everything here myself." His tone arrogant.

"You like science?" He pressed her.

(Y/N) nodded "Yes I do."

"Did you major in anything?" Tony asked

(Y/N) felt embarrassed "No, I never had the chance to, and I mean I'm interested in things like biology and physics but never pursued it."

"Huh." Tony looked thoughtful "What is your thing then?"

"Um, books and writing I guess" She answered carefully "but I would like to learn more about what you do."

Tony looked interested "That could be arranged if you can make the cut of course."

Ryan who up until this point had been unusually quiet watching the exchange between them cleared his throat. (Y/N) jumped she had almost forgotten that Ryan and Peter were there. "When you're quite finished, we should get going."

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