Chapter 3: Decisions

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People like us... (Y/N) thought longingly of what Dr Forder had just said, could she finally fit in somewhere? Dr Forder was still waiting for a response but with none he continued "You will be trained and monitored, I know it's far from England but it's our only option right now. You don't have anyone else here."

(Y/N) started at that "But what about our parents?" she asked shocked. She glanced at Ryan, he looked emotional for the first time, but he let Dr Forder answer. "(Y/N)" He said empathically "Your parents died years ago remember?"

(Y/N) leapt out the bed suddenly "WHAT?" Strong emotion filled her, once again rose gold light started to erupt from her palms. "NO!" She yelled tears streaming down her face. Dr Forder started to back away, but Ryan ran to her hugging her close. "Shhh it's ok." He consoled while (Y/N) sobbed into his shoulder. (Y/N) opened her eyes "How can you be so calm?" She sobbed "I know we weren't massively close to them, and they didn't get us but still."

Ryan pulled away then, she saw he was crying too "I wasn't calm about this; I have already had all this information given to me. After they knocked you out and I woke up they discussed it with me." glancing quickly at Dr Forder he said, "We must have forgotten everything about our past after the crash."

(Y/N) looked at him with narrowed eyes why was he lying? Why didn't he tell Dr Forder that it wasn't amnesia? But she didn't question him, she nodded. For the first time she noticed that a pale blue bubble was encasing them "Um Ryan, what is that?" She asked nodding to the bubble. "Oh that." Ryan laughed "It appears I have some kind of shield power; I will let it down if you are more in control now."

(Y/N) had so many questions but she wanted out of this "Ok." She said, "I'm ok now."

Ryan stepped away and let the shield drop, Dr Forder who was looking on impassively, once again started where he left off, He really is good at this. (Y/N) thought.

"As I was saying, if you're agreeable we will call the Avengers and go from there." Dr Forder stated. "If we don't go?" (Y/N) asked, Ryan shot her a look as if to say are you mad but (Y/N) ignored him and waited for Dr Forder's response. "If you don't then you may need to be taken to a secure facility and I wouldn't advise that. I have spoken to Ryan, and he's already agreed."

(Y/N) whipped to face her brother "without waiting to discuss it with me first?" (Y/N) snapped surprised herself with her fiery temper. Not that she didn't have one and she could be sarcastic at times but that part of her hadn't surfaced since before her last relationship. She felt different, better, more like her old self but more... confident like how she always wanted to be. The anxiety and self-doubt were still there, her love of reading and introvert ways. But she was more like a strong brave woman now that had come out of tragedy rather than the fragile husk she was before. Clearly Ryan was thinking the same he was looking at her in a surprised way as if he hardly recognised her. He blinked slowly then answered "(Y/N) we have no choice. Besides, I thought you would want to go there."

"I do but..." (Y/N) started to speak but Ryan had turned back to Dr Forder

"Can I have a word with my sister and then we will give you, our answer." Ryan said with authority, Dr Forder nodded and left the room.


Ryan led (Y/N) back to the hospital bed where they both sat down. "Listen (Y/N) we have to go you realise that? There is no other option." Ryan said.

(Y/N) sighed "I know, a part of me is excited about that but I wasn't expecting it to be this way or for our parents to be..." (Y/N) trailed off.

"I know." He answered his eyes full of understanding "But we are here now, and we have to make the best of it. I think we should go and then maybe we can find out what the hell is going on. I mean it's the only way will find out more about our past here and where these powers have come from."

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