Chapter 5: Recruited

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"We aren't far from landing now." Wanda said shaking (Y/N) awake, (Y/N) jumped sleepily

"Oh great! Wanda, can I ask you something?" (Y/N) said nervously.

"Sure." Wanda replied conversationally sitting opposite her

"When people are asleep can you see what they're dreaming?" (Y/N) asked casually as if the answer didn't matter much but the truth was, she wondered if Wanda had picked up any certain things in her thoughts.

"You mean did I listen to your mind?" Wanda asked her, (Y/N) flushed red but to her surprise Wanda just smirked "I could if I wanted too of course I could. But I try not to if I can, Vis wouldn't like me invading someone's privacy."

(Y/N) nodded relieved "So do you have to try to not give into the temptation to listen to the other avengers all the time?" she asked curiously.

Wanda shook her head "Nope, I mean if everyone has to live with a mind reader it's only fair, they learn the art of shielding their thoughts, so you won't be able to pick much up from them." Wanda looked at her sternly "And I suggest you don't try."

"I won't I promise. Will you show me the art of shielding my thoughts soon?" (Y/N) tried to sound eager to learn. But it was one of those moments where when you try not to think of something it pounds forcefully into your brain totally no ulterior motive, shut up! She scolded herself. Her brain at times really pissed her off, sometimes she just wanted to rip it out her head. Wanda looked at her slightly suspicious "Are you ok (Y/N)? You look like you're in pain."

"No, I'm fine, just a headache." (Y/N) lied.

Ryan came swaggering towards them just in time to save her "She's probably got gas again." he slurred, Wanda actually giggled.

So much for making me feel better (Y/N) thought

"Ryan!" she said aloud "Shut up! Wait are you drunk?" (Y/N) asked; distracted by his swaying.

"Yup, lost count of the amount of Champagne I consumed." Not sounding remotely bothered "Me and the robot over there kept hitting it back, he's passed out now."

Wanda looked like she was going to snap at Ryan so (Y/N) decided to distract her "Wanda about what I was saying before..."

"Yes, I will show you how to shield your thoughts soon now if you excuse me, I need to go and check on Vis." Shooting Ryan a dark look she went to find him.

"She's fiery that one." Ryan laughed and (Y/N) couldn't hide a chuckle.


They had finally landed, Vision slightly worse for wear and Ryan still half drunk. Wanda led the way the compound was huge! So bright and modern just like she knew it would look. It was so peaceful too surrounded by nature; it looked glorious in the sunset. She could make out figures in the distance and a faint hum that must be their minds but like Wanda had told her she couldn't penetrate them.

Steve Rogers was in the centre, he opened his mouth to welcome them but before he could speak Tony Stark stepped forward "About time you got here, thought you'd lost your way."

Wanda looked cross "Don't push it Stark I did as you asked."

Steve looked faintly exasperated he took control "Welcome." He strode forwards shaking their hands warmly. "I hope you will be comfortable here and please let me know if you need anything. I'm Steve, that's Tony, you already know Wanda and Vision of course, Natasha, Bruce, Sam, James, Clint, Peter and Thor." He indicated everyone. "They have heard everything about you of course- "

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