Chapter 14: Exploration

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The next morning (Y/N) woke to strong sunlight filtering into the room, in a daze she blinked and stretched. She was tired from the night before due to a mixture of the alcohol and bad dreams. She had awoken in the night dreaming again of the man she had killed but this time she hadn't been alone she had Tony.

"(Y/N)!" Tony had shaken her awake. "Are you ok? You were screaming and thrashing around" he had asked her, turning on the bed side table lamp.

"Yeah, just a nightmare, I get them sometimes. You know, after the mission." (Y/N) had said brushing off the conversation as if it didn't even matter. Tony had stroked her brow "You're sweating (Y/N). Jarvis!" he called out "Bring (Y/N) a glass of water, won't you?"

"Right away sir." Came the ever-efficient reply. As (Y/N) had drank her water Tony had wrapped his arms round her pulling to his to chest. He began to kiss her neck gently. "Tell me about it." He had whispered to her. "I keep seeing the man I killed, and I feel guilty about torturing him. I'm trying to work with Wanda to control my emotions and meditate to deal with these things but it's still causing some issues as you can see." (Y/N) had said her voice choking up.

"It's ok. I understand, I used to have bad dreams all the time after the battle of New York." He had consoled her. "It eventually got better. But we can get you some help if you need it and you have me to help you." He said seriously and she had nodded. "I know you're worrying that you're a bad person but you're not. I made some serious mistakes myself and you've been through a lot so don't be too hard on yourself." Tony had soothed her.

"But-" (Y/N) had started to say.

"No, I won't hear it, if you were a bad person then you wouldn't be torturing yourself over it this much." He had interrupted. (Y/N) knew he was right even if it was still hard to believe but she started to feel more relaxed by him holding her that she had eventually drifted back to sleep.

"Daydreaming again." Tony broke into her memory. She looked up and saw him standing in the entrance to the balcony, that explained why the sun had woken her. "Do you have to let all this sunlight in." (Y/N) complained.

Tony made his way over to her "Someone's grumpy." He laughed.

"Well yeah you woke me up." (Y/N) moaned.

"Breakfast is what you need. I will get Jarvis to bring it to you in bed." Tony smiled at her. After they had showered, and breakfast had been eaten they made their way hand in hand downstairs. Most of the Avengers were lounging around relaxing after last night's party (all the mess had been cleared up by Jarvis) Quill, Gamora and Drax had left in the ship that morning, but Rocket and Groot had decided to stay a bit longer. T'Challa and Okoye had also left to get back to business in Wakanda.

Everyone turned to stare as they saw them walk in hand in hand. Thor broke the silence "Aha! About time! You sly old dogs." He chuckled "Jarvis I have finished my Coffee, another!" Thor shouted.

"Of course, God of thunder." Jarvis replied.

"Excuse me?" Tony said to Thor looking irritated. "When did I say you could order Jarvis around? And why is he calling you God of thunder?"

"Jarivs and I are like old friends and he's calling me that because I asked him too isn't that right Jarvis?" Thor called.

"Indeed sir." Said Jarvis brightly.

"You prefer me to the metal man don't you." Thor said.

" Remember who made you!" Tony chimed in.

"I don't like to pick favourites." Said Jarvis sounding extremely uncomfortable.

"Come on guys leave him alone." (Y/N) told them off.

"Thank you, Miss.," Said Jarivs gratefully.

Steve approached them "Congratulations Tony." He said giving him a handshake. "Congratulations (Y/N)." Steve hugged her warmly. Wanda wove around him giving (Y/N) a hug. "Mess with her again Stark and I will personally rip your cock off." Wanda warned and Tony chuckled weakly. "Explains where they disappeared to at the party last night." Bruce laughed and Rocket choked on his coffee. "I am Groot." Said Groot looking at them.

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