Chapter 19: Sanctum Sanctorum

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The training at Sanctum Sanctorum was if anything easier than the training at the Avengers compound. (Y/N) guessed that was because the work was mental, and she had already had lots of practice. (Y/N) felt that the whole thing came naturally to her, and she felt like she had finally found her place in the world and Ryan loved it too.

(Y/N) loved exploring the streets of Manhattan it was one of her favourite places she had ever been. She loved the atmosphere, the people, the stark contrast between the chilled Central Park and the city. Being at the Sanctum Sanctorum felt like a retreat and she had a nice comfortable room to relax and read her books.

Monday to Friday her and Ryan went down to train with Wong and Dr Strange. It was an early start but once you were up you quickly got into things. They had to meditate loads which as always was what Ryan found the most difficult.

"Could I maybe not do it quite so much? I mean (Y/N) is the one that does all that sort of thing really." Ryan complained.

"Your abilities are mental. This means that you also need to keep up with your practice. No argument." Wong replied sternly, looking at Ryan with an unimpressed expression.

Ryan rolled his eyes at (Y/N) behind Wong's back.

"I can hear your eyes rolling." Wong commented.

"God he's good." Ryan laughed.

Despite Wong's critical comments him and Ryan had become very good friends. He seemed to not quite be able to resist Ryan's endearing personality. The thing that Dr Strange got frustrated about most was that Ryan kept trying to take Dr Strange's cloak of levitation.

"Have you seen-?" Dr Strange began before his eyes found Ryan with the cloak attached to him. "Give it back." Dr Strange narrowed his eyes.

"I think he likes me." Ryan smirked.

"Ryan." (Y/N) warned looking up from her book.

"Alright sis, just having a bit of fun." Ryan smirked.

Dr Strange held out his arms and the cloak flew straight back to him "Don't touch the cloak." He warned seriously before leaving the room. Ryan smirked and (Y/N) couldn't help herself, she smiled.


The weeks passed quickly, every day they would get up to meditate for an hour, followed by yoga and exercise then breakfast. Then the training alternated between Dr Strange and Wong teaching (Y/N) the art of opening and closing doorways and aligning her vibrations to the worlds. They also taught her how to come out of her body at will and learn to receive signs and communication from the universe.

They also helped develop her future seeing and teleportation skills and as she had made so much progress with Wanda already that she found that this came with ease. In between classes (Y/N) had to study these arts in the library, it was fascinating there were so many books on the subject. There was a break for lunch, more meditation, more lessons, dinner, even more meditation, recreational time and then bed.

Ryan learnt even more of the art of expanding his shield and healing.

"Now I know we have made out that (Y/N) is the important one out of the two of you but that's not true at all." Dr Strange informed them. "Your skills are just as important as hers which was why it was foretold that there would be two of you. You see having a brother and sister together that have been through so much, only really having each other to rely on strengthened a deep psychic bond within you. You were naturally skilled in that area of course but in the end, it was the way you had to rely on each other and the way that you had to protect (Y/N) that's really given you your strength. You need to protect realties together as a unit as your strength lies within each other. You compliment each other and while (Y/N) has her psychic powers she also needs you to shield and heal her."

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