Chapter 15: Infinity

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The next few weeks had been busy as they had to go out on another couple missions this time working alongside Wakanda to help retrieve more stolen Vibranium. In total it had taken 10 different missions with all different teams from Avengers, Wakanda and S.H.I.E.L.D working together to get the situation under control. Between them all, they thought they finally had it in hand but there were still agents out there monitoring the situation just in case. But the missions had been a good thing for (Y/N) as it had really helped her tackle her remaining anxieties about her first mission. Once in the next missions she was able to keep her powers under control and not torture anyone else she was starting to feel much better about herself which hadn't gone unnoticed by Tony.

"You seem much happier in yourself lately. I don't suppose I can take all the credit." He winked while they were working together in the lab. (Y/N) laughed "No I'm afraid not, it's just since the latest missions I've finally started to feel better about what happened in the first one." She said to him fully relaxed.

"That's really great." He smiled "You have settled in well here; I know how much of a change it was for you.

"To be honest I never felt at home in England." She said honestly "I didn't fit in with anyone there and I always felt like I was meant to be somewhere else, doing something else but I never knew what if that makes sense."

"I understand." He replied kissing her gently on the forehead "I'm glad you have found your home here"

"Me too! I found much more than my home, I found my soulmate and my destiny. I love you." She said fondly. Tony looked slightly overcome with emotion "I love you too my little Rose quartz." He nuzzled her neck.

(Y/N) suddenly felt exhaustion overcome her she yawned "I'm going to go and get some fresh air, maybe do a meditation if that's ok with you?" she asked him.

"Sure thing, I'll see you when you get back." He replied kissing her again.

Little did (Y/N) know that this was the moment that was going to change everything.


She walked out down by the lake and then taking a left went into the woods. She relished the peace and quiet that came with her own company, surrounded by nature. She could feel the emotions and thought of the animals around her. Sometimes she liked to listen to them and feel one with them but today she wanted to be alone in her mind, so she blocked them out. She walked deeper into the woods alongside a stream that was a favourite of hers, she loved the sound of it running along over the stones towards the lake.

Finally, she found what she was looking for a large pond surrounded by willow trees with a waterfall. It was a favourite place of hers, her and Tony often came and sat here when they went for walks together. She also came here when she needed time to think or be alone, she loved to listen to the waterfall and the willow trees were favourites of hers. She sat cross legged against the trunk of a nearby tree, with her hands resting lightly on her lap. Then she shut her eyes starting to breathe deeply and focusing her attention on the sound of the waterfall.

As her meditation deepened something strange began to happen. She felt lighter as if she weighed nothing, it felt like gravity wasn't a thing anymore and she found she couldn't feel the ground beneath her. She opened her eyes and gasped in shock; she was floating above the pond looking at her physical form still sitting peacefully oblivious against the tree trunk. She looked down at herself it was her but not. She was clearly in her astral form, and it was so freeing. This is great! she thought excitement taking over as her shock began to ebb. She felt so peaceful like everything was going to be ok. She began to float around faster and faster enjoying the complete freedom from her human body.

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