Chapter 8: Past Burdens

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Wanda and (Y/N) were sitting companionably side bye side on the grass facing the lake (Y/N) was making leaves twirl in the air absentmindedly thinking as usual "Your powers are really coming along." Wanda remarked watching her.

(Y/N) turned to her "Thanks Wanda, you have taught me so much, I couldn't be more grateful."

"It's nice to have a purpose." Wanda smiled before continuing "How much do you know about my past (Y/N)?"

"I know you had a twin brother who died right?" (Y/N) asked her carefully.

Wanda sighed "Yes." Her voice trembled slightly and (Y/N) could see the hint of tears "Pietro. I miss him."

(Y/N) put her arm round her "I can't imagine losing Ryan, that must be hard."

"It is." Wanda agreed "But it got better after I joined the Avengers and met Vis."

(Y/N) nodded as Wanda paused before continuing "We had our powers from birth you know but they came out later after a missile destroyed my home and killed my parents and after being experimented on." Memories were swimming in her eyes as she said this. "It was one of Starks bombs that blew up my home." She added slightly bitter "It took a while to forgive him for that, as you can tell I don't forgive easily." At that (Y/N) laughed weakly thinking of the secret she was keeping. Wanda in full flow continued "Pietro was everything I had, and we looked out for each other. I wish you and Ryan could have met him."

"Me too." (Y/N) knew all of this of course due to her old reality which she could now think of freely thanks to the mind blocks. She half wanted to tell Wanda the truth being she was being so open with (Y/N) but she didn't want to without discussing it with Ryan.

Wanda continued on "It's another reason I took such an interest in you and Ryan. It wasn't just your abilities. You have a fair amount of similarities with me and my brother and I wanted to get to know you."

"I'm glad you did, you're my best friend Wanda." (Y/N) said earnestly.

"You're mine to." Wanda beamed looking touched. "Which is why" she continued "I wanted to give you this." She held out a book to (Y/N)

"What's this?" (Y/N) asked curiously, Wanda just waited for her to look at it. The book was called one final teardrop by (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). She could only stare down at the book, it had a dark cover that had a shadowy outline of a head with a large red teardrop falling down the book to make the o of teardrop. She finally looked up at Wanda "Where did you get this?" she asked shocked.

"I started to look to see what I could find about you and then I found out you had published a biography. So now you can find out everything about you and Ryan that you don't remember. I read it myself it's brilliant!" Wanda complimented her warmly.

(Y/N) felt like her heart was stuck in her throat "Wanda I don't know what to say. Thank you! How can I ever..." she trailed off.

"It's nothing." Wanda smiled "Oh and if you ever want me to kill that abusive ex of yours just say the word. I will break the rules for that cunt anyway."

"Wanda!" (Y/N) laughed and Wanda laughed with her.

At that moment Ryan walked past side by side with Cap and Sam Wilson. "Ladies." Steve nodded to them in his gentlemanly way.

"Where you guys going?" (Y/N) called.

"Your brother here." Sam said laughing pointed at Ryan "Wants to race Cap."

"What? Are you mad?" (Y/N) asked Ryan "Steve will whip your ass."

"All in good fun sis, who wouldn't want to run with Captain America. Come and watch!" he called not sounding worried about losing at all.

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