Chapter 17: The Truth Comes Out

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They reached the lab; Tony entered the passcode, and she had a flashback to when he had first given her the code to his lab. It had all been so simple back then, Tony shot her a brief look when he heard her sigh but said nothing.

They made their way over to the seating area of the lab where there was a sofa, Tony sat on one end and (Y/N) sat on the other, careful to give him space. "So, out with it then. What haven't you been telling me?" Tony looked at her with his arms folded.

(Y/N) took a deep breath "You're right, see the truth is..." she began, trailing off wringing her hands together, she couldn't even look at him.

"Just tell me!" he begged.

(Y/N) felt tears spring to her eyes "I'm so sorry Tony." She sobbed, she looked at him then bravely. "The truth is I'm not from this reality." She told him. Tony froze like someone had shot him; shock plastered across his face. Whatever he had been expecting this hadn't been it. He opened his mouth a couple times to speak but no words came out, he got up and started to pace, his face in his hands while (Y/N) watched him nervously.

"It will be easier if I just show you." (Y/N) said, she got up and placed her fingers either side of Tony's head on his temples. "Remove the blocks, Tony." He looked at her warily before he complied. (Y/N) tried to ignore the inner turmoil in Tony's brain while she focused on showing him her memories. She showed him everything, her reality, her life there, how he didn't exist there except as a fictional character. She showed him the accident that pulled them here and everything since. She just hoped he could understand that she loved him and that she knew she shouldn't have lied, she should have ignored Ryan and told him anyway.

She had no idea how much time had passed, it could have been seconds, it could have been hours. Tony quickly put his defences back up in his mind but not before she got a brief glance of the pain in his mind. Shit this is bad she thought. He obviously didn't trust her to read what he was thinking. He moved away from her and collapsed onto the sofa; he was rubbing his temples as if he had a headache. "Jarvis!" He called "Bring me the strongest liquor we have."

"Right away sir." Jarvis replied.

"Tony, I don't think now is the time for drinking." (Y/N) started to say. Tony slammed his fist down onto the table in rage and (Y/N) flinched. "Now is the perfect time!" He snarled at her. Just then an automaton arrived with Whiskey which Tony started drinking straight from the bottle. (Y/N) was scared, Tony was turning to self-destructive behaviour. He hadn't been like this since before he met her "oh this is bad." (Y/N) thought, she didn't know what to say to him. After a few swigs he turned to her his eyes bloodshot, he looked like he was struggling not to cry. "How the hell am I supposed to process this? All this time you knew! You fucking KNEW! And you never thought that I had a right to know!" he yelled taking another swig of his Whiskey. "You know what one of the worst parts is?" he snarled bitterly.

"What's that?" (Y/N) asked timidly.

"That I opened my heart to you! I have never done that with anyone else! But I thought you loved me and understood me! And you lied! Do you have any idea how painful that is! How can I ever trust you again? I changed for you, and it was all for nothing." Tony choked.

"Please!" (Y/N) pleaded. "I wanted to tell you! I did! But as you saw where Ryan and I came from it wasn't accepted and until we got to know you, we didn't feel able to." At Tony's scathing look she hurried on "I know, I know! I know that's not an excuse. I know we had plenty of times to tell you since then, but Ryan wanted to wait and then it just got harder and then I got so wrapped up here in my life with you and as an Avenger that I started to forget about my past reality until I was forced to confront it just now. I wanted to forget where I came from if I'm honest."

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