Chapter 2: After Effects

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(Y/N) woke slowly blinking her eyes open, adjusting to the light around her. Everything was blurry and took a while to come into focus. Nothing looked familiar and all she could focus on was that she felt pain everywhere in her body. She could hear a monitor beeping, it started to get on her nerves, she looked to her right and found the source. It was a hospital monitor, she looked down and realised she was covered with tubes. Suddenly everything came back to her in flashes the car crash! She thought in alarm. She was in hospital! I need to find Ryan! She started to try and sit up, but everything swam before her eyes, and she felt like she was going to throw up.

"Woah not so fast honey." A gentle voice said to her, she looked up and a kindly nurse was looking down at her. She carefully pushed (Y/N) back down on the bed. "You have had quite a time of it. Just woken up from a coma! You have been out of it for two weeks, so you need to take things slowly." (Y/N) also thought she could hear some faint internal chatter in her head, but it was fuzzy, so she ignored it and focused on the conversation happening in front of her.

(Y/N) tried to speak but it was hard after not using her voice in so long, so it came out hoarse and shaky "wha... what..." She cleared her throat to try again. "What happened to me? and where is my brother Ryan?" She asked starting to panic. Before the nurse could answer a tirade of unwelcome thoughts started to consume her, He's dead! I bet he's dead. Oh god, oh god oh god. Her heart started to thumb painfully, and anxiety started to take over. The monitor was going berserk "Miss (Y/L/N) I need you to calm down for me." The nurse said soothingly putting a gentle hand on her.

But (Y/N) wasn't listening she was having a full-on panic attack, and something strange happened she could see a faint rose gold glow in her palms and everything started to shake, and the nurses' eyes widened in shock. The lights smashed in the ceiling the nurse shouted for help "We need a Midazolam injection over here right now. I don't know what's going on, but this patient needs sedation!" She shouted in panic. After that (Y/N) could barely remember anything other than voices shouting, and people stood over her as she started to fight against being in the bed. She felt a sharp prick in the arm and then knew no more.


When she woke again, she felt calmer and was able to sit up quicker. She suddenly realised she felt no pain this time. "that's odd." She thought to herself but before she could dwell any further, she saw someone sitting on the end of her bed it was Ryan! He was sat in a hospital gown looking better than ever which she again thought was odd. He smiled at her as she felt relief sweep through her like sunlight on a dark day. "Hey sis, caused quite a commotion I hear. They had to move us and everything after you nearly destroyed the last ward. Terrified all the other patients so we have our own private room now." He laughed as if the whole thing was a huge joke. (Y/N) didn't find it funny, she felt anger and fear rising inside her "It's not funny! I could have hurt someone! I did that and I don't know how!" (Y/N) whined in distress.

Ryan moved over to her then "Shhh it's ok we will figure It out." He told her calmly.

"How are you ok? We were in a car crash! And the last time I woke up I was hurting everywhere and now I'm not! What the hell is up with that?" (Y/N) gushed. Ryan looked at her looking slightly worried as if he weren't sure he could explain it to her without her losing it. It was so unusual for Ryan to look worried that she actually burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Ryan asked.

"Just never see you look like that, it's like looking in the mirror." (Y/N) laughed. Ryan was suddenly serious; he grabbed her hand "listen (Y/N) I need to tell you what happened..." At that moment, the nurse (Y/N) had seen before walked in with a doctor trailing behind her. "Ah!" The doctor exclaimed "you're awake! And a bit more settled I see. That's good! I'm Dr Forder but you can just call me Jim!" He said good naturedly he was a middle-aged balding man with glasses and a kind face (Y/N) liked him at once. "This is nurse Hannah Stevens who you gave such a fright to before."

He waved his hand indicating the nurse next to him. (Y/N) felt embarrassed "Sorry." She apologised. Hannah smiled warmly at her, she had warm coppery skin with dark hair and looked round (Y/N)'s age. "That's ok." She said kindly. But once again (Y/N) could pick up some internal chatter, this time she focused in on it and she heard a voice that sounded like Hannah's "They could be dangerous, going to have to call someone." With mixtures of fear and apprehension coming from her warring with empathy.

"We aren't dangerous." (Y/N) blurted "I don't know what you're on about!" Everyone looked shocked and confused but not as much as Hannah herself. "Did you just... did you just read my mind?" She asked scared.

"I...I..." (Y/N) didn't know how to respond, she hadn't meant to say that aloud, she didn't even know what was going on. "I'm sorry Dr I can't do this; you need to call them." Hannah stated before leaving the room in a hurry. (Y/N) and Ryan both watched her retreat Great as if I weren't enough of a freak beforehand (Y/N) thought to herself wryly.

Dr Forder smiled at them "I'm sorry, Hannah is a great nurse, but she wasn't prepared in her training to have to deal with superpowers!"

(Y/N) looked at Ryan in shock before then responding to Dr Forder "What do you mean superpowers? Is this some kind of joke?"

Dr Forder looked confused; he narrowed his eyes at (Y/N) "You tell me." He said, "Unless you were having us on, didn't look like much of a joke to me." Once again (Y/N) could pick up internal chatter, this time coming from Dr Forder, and she focused on it. "Hm strange, maybe the crash has caused some amnesia and she doesn't remember some things, I mean everyone has heard of the avengers."

"The Avengers?!?!" (Y/N) shrieked. "But the avengers don't..." (Y/N) started to say but she could see Ryan shaking his head at her, so she fell silent. Dr Forder cleared his throat "You must have some Amnesia after the accident, perfectly understandable hopefully your memory will come back in time. Are you ready to hear what happened (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) opened her mouth about to argue that she was pretty sure her memory was working fine but then closed it again, maybe it was best to just talk to Ryan in private about this after like they always did. She took a deep breath and looked Dr Forder straight in the eye "Ok tell me what happened." She said calmly, Ryan looked relieved.

"Well." Dr Forder began "when we first bought you in you were both on deaths door! Both of you needed surgery, had broken bones, internal bleeding, brain damage. Ryan here was worse than you my dear as the van hit the car on the driver's side. I thought neither of you were going to make it, you both went into a coma. But then you awoke" He nodded to (Y/N) "after two weeks, a miracle! But then the strangest thing was after that little episode happened where we had to sedate you, your brother here awoke immediately like he had been waiting for you to need him or something, leapt out of bed fully healed and sent some sort of shield round you! Amazing! Amazing!" He shook his head before continuing. "Then there is you my dear with your mind reading and powers to do god knows what!"

(Y/N) had listened to all this in silence she was in shock. She must be dreaming, in some kind of drug induced coma from the crash still, otherwise nothing made sense. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?" (Y/N) asked.

Ryan answered then "Nope! It's real sis you better believe that." (Y/N) looked at Ryan thinking, she knew they had thought this sort of thing possible, but she never thought it would actually happen! But if she was going to believe anyone it was Ryan, she trusted him with her life, it was just a lot to process.

"Now." Dr Forder spoke gently "I have had to have meetings with people higher up I'm afraid after the incident... and well think it's best to call the Avengers."

"But Dr Forder." (Y/N) started to speak.

Dr Forder held a hand up to silence her "Please call me Jim. You need to understand you caused quite a commotion and you don't remember anything. Without proper guidance you will become a danger to yourselves and others. It's our duty to make sure that doesn't happen. I'm proposing you go to live at the Avengers compound in upstate New York where they are equipped to deal with people like you." Dr Forder finished leaving (Y/N) unsure of anything anymore.

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