Chapter 9: First Date

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A sort of frenzy gripped her as she was getting ready to meet Tony. After showering she just couldn't decide what to wear, she guessed they were going out to go for a drink, but she had no idea where. Anxiety gripped her, this was (Y/N)'s first date in a while Can I do this? She wondered what if Ryan's right? She shook herself mentally she needed to get a grip, she couldn't be afraid forever otherwise she would always be alone and never have anything. In the end she decided on a nice blue cocktail dress, with a nice little throw over jacket and a pair of kitten heels, thanking Tony mentally for making sure she had a wardrobe of clothes.

After sorting her hair and makeup she grabbed a little handbag, she was just about ready when she remembered the nice little sapphire necklace, she owned that she thought could be a good addition to her outfit. It was halfway across the other side of the room so using telekinesis she brought it to her in a second. She smiled to herself; her powers were so handy even for little mundane things such as this. The number of times in the past where she would sit down and left what she wanted on the other side of the room and had to go and get it was now no more, it was great!

"Mr Stark is ready for you miss (Y/L/N)" came Jarvis' voice bringing her back to the present. "Please head to the main entrance of the compound."

"Thanks Jarvis." Replied (Y/N), taking one last look at herself in the mirror she headed for the main entrance. She passed some of the others on her way and their eyes all followed her which made her slightly self-conscious, Wanda approached her "You look beautiful my rose." She hugged her "I hope it goes well, just be careful though."

(Y/N) nodded at her. She heard a wolf whistle and looked round and of course it was Thor, but he wasn't alone Ryan was with him but so were Rocket and Groot. "(Y/N) before you go, come and meet the rabbit and Groot." Thor called.

"It's Rocket!" Rocket shouted at Thor.

(Y/N) made her way over to them "Hey nice to meet you" she greeted them.

Rocket responded first "Hey gorgeous." He winked "Where's the party and why aren't I invited?" he added looking at her outfit. Before (Y/N) could reply Thor cut in

"This young lady here Is going on a date with the metal man." He informed Rocket.

"Oh! A date" he grinned mischievously "I'll be waiting if it doesn't work out." He laughed heartily and Ryan shot him a look.

"I am Groot!" Groot added and Rocket laughed patting his back

"What did he say?" (Y/N) asked.

"You don't want to know gorgeous trust me." Rocket replied still crying with mirth.

"Well chaps we better get going there's ale to drink!" Thor cried.

As they headed off, she noticed that Ryan wasn't really speaking to her, but she shrugged to herself she would make that right later. "Don't worry about your brother. I'll talk to him later." Nat called after her as she headed off.


As (Y/N) went out the entrance she looked round for Tony, it was a pleasant evening with a gentle breeze the perfect weather. Suddenly an Audi R8 pulled alongside her, the window rolled down and there was Tony grinning up at her "You seen (Y/N) anywhere? I'm supposed to be going on a date with her but all I can see is this gorgeous goddess staring down at me." He said to her smoothly.

(Y/N) laughed "Shut up Tony." Sounding more confident than she felt.

"Ah so there is some spark in there If you poke enough." He grinned "Get in." he motioned to her. She got into his car, and they headed off, they drove for about half an hour making small talk and then pulled up to a fancy bar that had a VIP area. She was grateful now that she had worn a nice outfit. Tony got out first and came round to open the door for her opening his arm. "Jarvis, park the car will you." He said into his earpiece.

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